Saturday, July 31, 2004

well, now everytime you visit my blog you will not only be entertained with the news, writings, or the pictures, and any cute icons i have put in the page...but also music at the background. got to have a very good connection and nice set of personal computer, and also a head set...for now, you will be able to listen to the theme from 'Free Willy part 1' the title is Will you be there...sang by Michael Jackson. just listen...and sing!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 12:15 PM [comment]


as the contestants get eliminated each week, each viewers must be having those shivering thrill in their heart about who will walk away from that spectacular show this week. and last night, Lucky walked out of the stage. gee...i never thought that suddenly the viewers would dislike him. i mean, come on...for several weeks he's never been in the bottom three. but i suppose its because their number is reducing each week then its quite obvious that actually he will never make it to the top. well, being in the big eleven is already an accomplishment for me. and i would be very greatful for that. at least i know that i can sing, and i can sing to entertain people and i can sing from my heart. still, i dont know whether Indonesian viewers would based their vote on each contestants' capacity of singing and performing or just their charming look. i believe that the big three should be Nania, Joy, and Lucky at the beginning. because between the other, they are very outstanding. and Delon should be leaving very soon cause he is average. viciously speaking, he gets the most vote because of his so called cute look. well, Helena is another thing. i think Helena sings better than Delon. Delon really should walk away next week. last week, i thought that it would be helena or someone, and it was bona. okay this is my week it will be Helena, and the next is Michael, and Delon. but if we come to a little bit twisted scenarion...then next week it would be (still) Helena, or who else??

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:54 AM [comment]


hari ini ketemu ayah...pas baru keluar kos, terus ngelewatin jalan turunan itu i noticed azis is at his back...dan ga liat kalo ayah di depannya. dasar, datang dari bali ngga ngasih tahu. udah berapa lama ya ngga ketemu ayah angkatku ini. dulu sempat kacau juga hubungan sama dia. i was too demanding. but, i think he is mature enough to let go that anger.and all i could say was sorry.
well, ayah ku itu I Putu Edi...gitu namanya. apa ada yang lain kepanjangannya ya? lupa. anak-anak di kos manggilnya bli putu biasanya. kalo aku manggilnya ayah. dulu waktu masih di kos, sama anak-anak sering fitnes bareng. gara-gara dia kita suka minum susu aneh buat fitnes, bangun subuh supaya bisa ke gym lebih pagi dan ngga ngantri makai alat2. lumayan asik sih. tapi setelah sibuk siaran, aku tinggalin deh itu fitnes. pengen lagi sih, tapi ga tau kapan bisanya. soalnya aku juga rada males. lame me.
ayah udah ganti kacamata. tubuhnya masih lumayan besar. katanya sih tubuhnya itu sempat mengecil karena di bali ngga sempat fitnes. dan senyumnya yang khas itu masih ada. i love his smile. because his eyes smile i miss him that much. hari ini bisa ketemu ayah lagi ngga ya?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:36 AM [comment]


Friday, July 30, 2004

i was using oceanus at the beginning. the sea like breeze coming from that blue and green-ish EDT amazed and astonished me, furtthermore...i am hypnotized. its like you are being transfered to places you have in mind when you have some of those smell on your skin and shutting all doors of reality...and whoops!! there is the sea in front of you...when your eyes are closed of course.
and now i want to feel this one...a bit masculine but still, gentle and mesmerizing. its like...the smeel of wood and of course musk...and its comfy. its home. its...white musk.
anyway, its from Body Shop.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:06 PM [comment]


arti dari entry di bawah adalah: aku tuh saking malesnya konsultasi ama dosen pembimbing skripsiku, jadi pas ketemu dia di tempat umum kayak orang jayus yang ga pakai kancut...ketawa sana sini, 'kemane ajee...' duh malesnya. nggantung gini...ughghh!!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:24 PM [comment]


it is very complicated. like two months i did not go to meet my thesis counselor, and did not even talk a single consultation. i was busy with those other writing stuffs. and last night i met her in the cyber cafe, and with all my foolish smile, i look like a silly dork looking for excuse and scapegoat of my lame habit. well, fortunately she is my damn counsleor, and i should be relieved with it. I am. and last night, like what she told me...i sat in front of my computer and seek this bright idea, two hours...and four pages. but still, after I re- read those pages, i found no significant point in the writing. well, i am quite sure i will start from those four pages...and my script need to be typed too...a busy working young man. me God.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 8:58 AM [comment]


Thursday, July 29, 2004

gimana ya kalo lagi banyak uang, mikirnya harus punya barang ini...itu, dan di kepala ini ada statement ngga jelas dengan alert bahwa sebuah barang unik punya status 'lucu' dan ada tambahan...'kayaknya lucu deh kalo aku punya satu'...hehehehe....males juga sih. suka ngga sadar, tiba-tiba...hehhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!??????? sisa segini, gw ngapain ajaaaa??? gemuk nggak, kere iya...basi...anyway, kemarin pas jalan-jalan...ini dia...the list goes on...maroon 5, Kill Bill vol.1 (VCD version), majalah idol ngga jelas (hehehe), gantungan keren yang mahal...(duuuhhh)...dan white musk...ughhhhh!!!!!!!!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 3:28 PM [comment]


jam 1 siang. aku lagi ngantri di bank. lagi asik membaca buku mahal buat sumber scriptku yang terbaru. AC lumayan dingin. entah kenapa saat itu aku ngerasa harus noleh ke kanan. dan lewatlah mahluk itu. karena dibatasi oleh dinding kaca Ray Ban dan tirai, mahluk itu ngga jelas...yang aku lihat rambutnya panjang, dan bagus...well, karena mataku masih bagus, jadi kuusahakan lagi untuk men-defy mahluk ini...perempuan, laki-laki atau apa ya...again, kupikir ini pasti perempuan, mataku kemudian 'menelanjangi' kakinya...kok gede ya, kok pinggangnya gede juga yaa...terus aku naik ke bagian 'pamela' nya...kok datar2 aja ya...terusss...naik lagi ke wajah...dia pakai kacamata...tapi kok, dagunya, rahangnya...punya cowok...makin penasarann...mahluk ini jalannya kayak cewek. eventually, dia masuk ke ruang antrian...kucari dia, dapet...masuk target...kunci...zoom...analyze...shocking facts...that is a man's jaw, that is a man's chest, that is a man's hip, that is a Godamn man's feet, and that is a Godamn face...and that it is no woman's nice long hair...he's a fake!!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 3:03 PM [comment]


aku itu tipe orang yang mudah kasihan sama orang lain. apalagi dengan orang yang (sorry) diffable. tiba-tiba aja ada feeling di dalam hati pendosa ini yang ngerasa kalo ' aku pengen bantu dia' dan bahwa ' aku lebih sehat dari dia, mungkin aku bisa bantu dia...apa aja'. nah, apalagi kalo orang yang bersangkutan itu benar-benar terlihat membutuhkan. sejauh ini aku selalu punya feeling bahwa di balik sepasang mata selalu ada rasa kasihan, rasa kasihan yang membuat aku rasanya mendengar mata itu berbisik (whimpering) 'have mercy', bukan sebagai pengemis. tapi pasti juga kalo orang-orang itu ngga bakal mau aku kasihani.
nah, ceritanya lain kalo tampang yang perlu dikasihani itu tiba-tiba punya tas cangklong merknya KIPLING. basi...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:54 PM [comment]


1. I dont care if eventually i have to be graduated next year, and that i have to take my father's dissapointed feelings on my nerve.
2. I dont care if people consider i am arrogance, and self centered. may be i am a loner, they have to come to me to know who i am.
3. I dont care if people identify me as gay wannabe, i dont know my life myself, how can they judge me?
4.I dont care if i am too clean for everybody.
5.I dont care if i dont have any girl friend at the moment 'love will find you...' anyway, and that being single is the most liberating momentum of someone's life when they can commit anything based on their free mind (at least that's what i know from UN charter).
6. I dont care if this list will get longer than it is now...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:33 PM [comment]


apa kabar, mungkin ini entry pertama dengan bahasa nasional...yang jelas sekarang sudah subuh dan selama 2 jam, dan pukul 4 pagi terlihat dari jam dinding warnet, banyak yang sudah saya baca...di cyber space tentunya. karena sibuk research buat script film berikut dari produser saya (he...he...he), saya mulai pergi ke link-link yang sepertinya 'lucu' buat orang curious seperti saya...dan ini adalah pagi paling menyeramkan, di samping fakta melegakan bahwa dada Lindsay Lohan itu asli, bukan silikon (dia jadi cover Rolling stone minggu ini dengan mata bule hollywood yang biru dan rambut mengembang yang menggairahkan...ughhh!!). balik lagi ke pagi yang menyeramkan...tugas saya adalah film fiksi dokumenter dengan bumbu drama.cukup berat. karena saya belum pernah menulis tentang based on real live incidents script. jadinya berat juga. dan muncul lah link-link 'lucu' itu. yang membawa saya ke Bowling for Columbine nya Michael Moore (cukup mengerikan dengan detail bahwa kedua pembunuh gila berusia remaja ini cukup sinting untuk membantai orang-orang di sekolahnya, lalu kemudian menghamburkan otak mereka dengan TEC-9(senjata yang mereka pakai) karena mereka sadar mereka ga bisa lolos dari polisi), lalu film-film horror Jepang dengan budget murah yang cukup dan amat sangat 'sakit.' dan itu menjelaskan kenapa di Jepang hal-hal seperti itu wide spreading. kalo ngga cukup kuat jangan melihat film-film seperti 'ichi no.1' (bahkan oliver stone bilang kalo film ini brilian dan gelap dan bahwa Quentin Tarantino akan mengorbankan sebelah tangannya untuk dapat membuat film seperti itu, sayangnya dia keduluan orang Jepang untuk membuat film grindcore seperti itu), audition (kencan buta membawa maut, saat kamu ketemu dengan cewek kalem yang aslinya sinting abis dan massochist. yaikss!!) yang mirip ama 'misery' nya Stephen king, dan ada lagi...uzumaki (lingkaran-lingkaran setan ngga jelas yang kampung banget tapi sumpah ngeri abis. ini dari komik lohh!!), dan yang terakhir...yang sinting abis 'evil dead trap' dengan content sex yang habis2an (perkosaan ampe mati juga ada, massochist)-bayangin: kamu lagi terjebak di sebuah gudang ngga jelas dengan pembunuh sadis berkeliaran yang kapanpun siap untuk membunuh kamu, masak kamu punya hasrat buat n******t pada saat seperti itu, but believe me karakter-karakter bodoh itu horny abis and they did it!!anyway, dengan 200 yen film ini berhasil dibuat dengan banyak sisi yang mengecewakan. sekali lagi, kalo ngga siap nonton film2 itu jangan nonton, daripada kamu kena PTSD. PS: kalo ketemu filmnya dirental, liat aja covernya, baca sinopsisnya dikit aja terus taruh lagi di rak. jangan sampai kamu menyewanya.duh, pagi yang tidak indah buat dikenang, gara-gara foto-foto dari film itu....heeeee!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 3:33 AM [comment]


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

i was sick, its a damn fever, and that damn fever was and is the only thing which always makes me lost that edgy and cool way of mine...its always too hard for me to keep my sanity when i have a fever...i hate it!!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 8:44 PM [comment]


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

just want to let u guys know that i am happy, see my unkymood icon? hahahahahahahahhaha.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:50 AM [comment]


Sunday, July 25, 2004

its been nine a glimpse of these are so far, and always that far...i cannot touch you, like what i used to do...before that nine years. its been nights, and years, and tears...i learn to live forget, standing strong. it was dawn, the hardest day of my life...the moment of letting go, you...that i really love so much- the one that i missbehaved, the one that i hurt most of my times, most of ur life, and the ending is this hurting feeling inside cause i cannot let you see what i have been doing, what i have become. this love always be blessed with your presence...i know you are here, somewhere...i cannot touch you, but i know you are here. and i know i dont have to touch you just to know that u will always be there.
its been nine years, how's life there...hopefully its been nice to you. i know that it must be hard for you to leave me, us...and it was so hard for me to accept the idea that there's always a plan. but i didnt accept that mine was letting you go.
i think i already had enough tears to shed...i miss you so much. these nine years were...blessed. but i still wonder how it feels to have u by our side. telling you all my ups and downs. cause i never tell anything so deep to anyone, and it would be hard to do so...
mom...its been so hard living this life without you. i keep asking anything about this, and i know that the question faces no end. once i wanted to stop and let anything pass me by. but i wonder how the future looks like for me, for this family. i had to accept some harsh truth, surprising people...which i could not handle easily...and then i remember you mom.
i know that u cannot read this, but i just want to write it...let the wind tells you how much i miss you...let the earth shouts your name within the night cold breeze and let the dawn whispers my never ending love to your angelic soul in heaven.
mom, its been nine years since you left...i miss you.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:59 AM [comment]


Thursday, July 22, 2004

for so long i feel like an awkward ill person always relating myself to unluckiness, and all jinx-es that terrify my life...but in wonder why i feel so calm and settled at the moment, bit happy, nothing that really in the list of search of my desperate blood...i dont feel that lucky, but at the same time i fully accepted who i am, and may be there are many people out there having no kind of life that i have...and wanting to be me without i even realizing that and that i was dreaming to be them....God sorry for that...but i am happy with all i am...i dont feel that ill anymore...i feel free and care free...relieve

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:42 PM [comment]


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

we have our first Indonesian Idol show on TV, go to my Me and Moto alerts link on the bottom left of this page and chose your first indonesian Idol...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 8:29 PM [comment]


Monday, July 19, 2004

my father came from Bali and he brought the whole family with him, that means a whole load of noisy kids, and silly things...well,it was a complete one day tour, thats why i call it a heck of holiday. we started at 8 in the morning and the first stop is Borobudur, kind of exciting-cause i have never been there-hehehe-well. the place was very crowded because its holiday, many foreigners and locals, and many annoying handycfrats sellers-well, its their life, i mean they have to struggle right. may be its just me.
borobudur was surely high, ad since the whether was too damn hot, we afraid that we could not make it to the top, but we did.ahhh...what a relieve, cause it was a hell of a climbing to the top stupa...geee, the view was adorable and surely nice if u can take many pictures stop: kaliurang, we went there to have lunch, some nice tempe bacem and jadah, and some walk to the very poor looking water fall, it was only like a spit of water during the dying hot season, beside that the cold breeze produced by the difference on height-i mean, we were walking almost on the top of merapi mountain. its cold.
next stop: prambanan, 2.30 pm and  countering an accident-a truck slip and lied up side down-believe it!, well Prambanan was not that crowded, but again, its quite...crowded...many people...anyway, the view was awesome, though its not that green compared to what borobudur has around its building...again, many nice japanese...and a few whites...
5pm...the end of the trip, and a pair of new reebok for my exhausted feet...hosh!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 8:42 AM [comment]


Saturday, July 10, 2004

The ongoing fear that people will leave is at the root of this emotional style. These people may fear that if they rock the boat in the smallest way, the ones they love will leave. Or, they may adapt by running away from a relationship before they can be hurt.

If this emotional style applies to you, it's important to learn that you won't fall apart if someone leaves you. Be aware of the fear that any kind of abandonment stirs up — hypersensitivity to separation, dread of being isolated. Mindfulness can help track this emotional style and prevent it from ruling your life.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:28 PM [comment]


Wednesday, July 07, 2004

i love to write and i wrote many stuffs lately. i have build a new home for my writings and u can check the link down there as usual (named after remedy)...or just click here

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:47 AM [comment]


Monday, July 05, 2004

this is one of my favourite song at the moment, sang by the 3rd american idol champion. the awesome 19th year old single mother Fantasia Barino. the moment i write this entry 'i believe' hits number 1 at Billboard single chart tossed Usher's burn down. you go Fantasia. i cant wait to watch this season's American idol on Indonesian TV.when will we have it? no one know. at the moment listen to I believe here or go here to listen to more of Fantasia's songs from the last AMerican Idol. well, the download might take 2-3 minutes but its worth a lot to listen this macy gray kinda voice with that soul vibe that u'll never find in any other singer. she's a new soul diva indeed.
here is the lyric for the song.

Have you ever you ever reached a rainbow's end
And did you find your pot of gold
Ever catch a shooting star
Tell me how high did you soar
Ever felt like you were dreaming
Just to find that you're awake
Cause the magic that surrounds you
Will lift you up and guide you on your way
I can see it in the stars across the sky
Dreamt a hundred thousand dreams before
Now I finally realize
See I've waited all my life for this moment to arrive
And finally yeah
I believe in the impossible
If I reach deep within my heart
Overcome any obstacle
Won't let this dream fall apart
See I strive to be the very best
Shine my light for all to see
Cause anything is possible
When you believe yeah
I can see it in the stars across the sky
Dreamt a hundred thousand dreams before
Now I finally realize
I've waited all my life for this moment to arrive
And finally I believe
Yes I believe
Ohh Yeah
Love keeps liftin me higher
Liftin me higher
Love keeps liftin me higher
I said love keeps liften
Love keeps liften me
I said Love keeps liften
Love keeps liften me higher
Said love keeps liften me higher
I said love keeps liften me high

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:01 AM [comment]


Friday, July 02, 2004

mmm...i am 44% evil...somehow i made sins, but still there is a place inside of me that regrets, reckon the sins as things that i should forgot...i can still go back to the right path, wanna take the test too? click here find out how evil are you...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:51 AM [comment]


visit NoEM's link on the bottom left of this page and find news and snapshots from JoJo's album launching party at Planet Hollywood, or just click here

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:37 AM [comment]


Thursday, July 01, 2004

well, she is the kind of gurl who makes us juggled right? or is it shocked? she's officially engaged to her dancer Kevin Federline-as what she admitted in an interview with People Magazine. check out the news here, will she lasts long with this one? or is it another eye shocking, palpitating sensation of a pop princess?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 3:16 PM [comment]


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