Tuesday, August 31, 2004

its the remaining of last night sleepless session. tired eyes, wet nose, and terrible pain on my back. need to sleep for couple of hours and drink some pills to kill the influenza....

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 12:07 PM [comment]


i guess its easier and faster to download those porn clips beside to watch the videos from the idols. and eventually i made it to see 'ekspresi' for the first time. which is sort of ironic. anyway, its been hours since i left my room to many destinations and ended here helping brahma with his blog. a new friend, nice. and tomorrow by nine I have to take my sisters to campus. nice, i am back to my sleepless habbit when i would leave from my room early in the morning. stuck myself in the cyber. my cell phone is radically losing its energy after a whole day long of tiring activities (games, downloads, musics, videos). gee...hard work huh? tomorrow is another great day...what's the theme of today's fashion for stanley osmond? another tee? sleak look? or japan's walk? i would recharge my cell again. and really take care of it since i am losing the energy so quick. that is terrible. okay, i smoke again after months i am not smoking. what happens to me? actually i dont know....

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:58 AM [comment]


Monday, August 30, 2004

this gotta be noted. one time in history. once again, Zhanibg yiMou made his way to astonish moviegoers. and Hero is one distinctive feature you gotta see. i saw it last year and still strongly remember the beautiful pictures the movie gave me. an achievement. a memoir. a master piece. red, yellow, blue, spring, autumn, crimson, you name it. very beautiful. i think i will warch it again. and surprisingly, this week it takes the highest position any asian movies might never achieve. Hero is on the top of the box office. for the first week. what an achievement.

for those of you who wonders who is Zhang yiMou, he was once very wellknown with his red shorgum in which Zhang Zi Yi also staring (that was her debut movie).

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 5:47 PM [comment]


nevertheless, i am an adult now. i am 22. legally included in the textual based of the law of each nation in the world. legally able to drive, drink, and sex (the latest does not include the country where I stay at the moment). but sex here includes any effort by me to smooch and any casual intimacy planned and done by me. i am an adult cause no one would see me as a child anymore. and in my life i have achive, and reach the point where i am realizing that i am doing and making something for my life. regardless to say 'my own life.'
adulterous refers to any effort by me to express my sexuality. any impulsive force triggered by the most basic sense of me as a human being, as a man, as a man in need of mutual biological conjunction with the sex i am mostlty fond of.
adultery signatures my sinful commit, which i believe cannot be concluded as sin, since i am fullfilling my basic need as a man, as a creature. and i think i am already adult enough to commit adultery, and being adulterous man. in which the three of all are wisely related into unseparated trinity of human nature.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 4:45 PM [comment]


Sunday, August 29, 2004

its always hard when you are moving out from a place where your heart really settles. and that's what happened to me today.i moved out from a place where this past 2 years i quite enjoyed my life. enjoying the time where i gained some nice social interaction with people (since my previous dorm was completely filled with serious people that seldom talk with people accept boating around that they are enrolling themselves in the most prestigious campus in tonw. like i care). i asked my sisters to help me. since the place is not that far then i decided to move everything on foot. that is lot cheaper. under the hot sun i brought my pillow and my bed with me. my new place is quiet nice. hopefully it is nice, cause most of my friends are there too. my room is on the upper level, where i can observe the street and it gets a nice sun exposure during the day, which i really demand from a room. room without the touch of the sun would develope muds and molds. and its quite big too. i dispise small room cause i have phobia with small places. suddenly i feel like losing air to breathe, and the air around me is decreasing rapidly.an unecessary emotion huh? well, many people have their own phobia right? well, tomorrow i still have somethings to move/ to bring from the old room to the new one. including my rusty un-used motorcycle. ahh...i love that thing, but i hate it at the same time. i want to use it again. i want to repair it. gee...old stuffs that bring memories. i am quite tired today. i think i will sleep early...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:34 PM [comment]


Saturday, August 28, 2004

this is the night when the real original indonesian idol will be voted. and i am not there to witness the birth of the Indonesian idol. darn it!! anyway, you can watch 'ekspresi' here...thanks to www.bintangkecil.net which has provide the video for us to see...

download the video here

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:33 PM [comment]


pagi kawula muda...welcome to my show, this is the show yang isinya cuma gw...gw dan gw...huahahahah...sudah sadar kamu lagi ada di mana,ngapain, dan bernapas atau tidak??penting banget jo, lo harus sadar apakah lo bernapas atau ngga...anyway, met pageeeee....anyway, sekarang udah weekend lagi jack...udah punya plan??pastinya iya dong...akhir pekan begini kalo ngga punya rencana pasti basi ya,tapi kayaknya agak mustahil juga...mengingat tanggal tua,anak kos bisa apa ya...urusan uang emang penting banget jack...ehhh...hari ini adik gw ospek hari penghabisan, dan dia bakal pulang tengah malam...kalo dipikir-pikir tuh panitia pada ga masuk akal ya...berangkat subuh pulang tengah malam...emang ospeknya ngapain aja.ga penting-penting banget.biasa kali ya, jadi panitia mau cari muka ama anak baru...basi.biarin ah. gw udah tua gini masih ngurus panitia-panitia itu.huhuhuhu (kok jadi sinis ya). soalnya gw baru liat tadi, panitia ospek yg belagu...subuh-subuh lagi cari posisi berdiri yang enak, gimana jas almamaternya terlihat keren subuh2 gitu. gimana supaya anak-anak baru inget wajahnya yang belagu pagi itu.norak. terserah ah.masih senang-senangnya jadi panitia sih...anyway, hari ini gw pengen beli memo card...tapi mahal juga jack...pusing ah...hehehehe...ntar liat aja deh,jalanin aja...enjoy aja...akhir pekan jo!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 5:28 AM [comment]


Friday, August 27, 2004

ini Ost. nya 'Honey' lately, gw suka dengerin dan liat film ini. lagunya keren-keren, dan filmnya ga tau kenapa sangat inspire gw buat percaya sama apa yg gw punya, walaupun gw sering ngga confident dengan being what i am.walaupun pada kenyataannya gw harus nunggu lama supaya impian itu buat terwujud. ngga tau aja, God has been so good. i dont love myself most of the times, and God always puts me back in His path. gw yakin apa yang terjadi sama gw sekarang adalah miracle. one of them, yang gw yakin masih bakal terus terjadi.hahhhh. semua ini ada hubungannya dengan apa yang gw kerjain sekarang. akhirnya script gw jadi diproduksi. duh, mimpi apa ya. gw ngga mimpi apa2 sih. cuma gw penuh berharap. dan terus berharap, semua ini ga end di sini. gw masih pengen terus nulis.mudah2an bisa. mudah2an gw masih dikasih kesempatan buat terus nulis.doain ya, mari kita sama-sama percaya. btw, mudah2an bli juga bisa get over the break up. kasihan juga. cuma kalo udah cinta mau diapain lagi ya? oya...hari ini gw beli barang lucu satu ini...hehehe. kesampean juga akhirnya....

nOkia N-gAge

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:54 PM [comment]


its always interesting when u are on the 1st line of your post.dont know what to write. i suppose i know what 2 write. i watched some porn where this guys can't handle a cock (since its too big for his mouth, and he only gets to feel the head, and the shaft). guess what porn is that.hahahaha.you tell me.while Dave Matthews band is having trouble with their shits. yep, their shits. they unloaded the 'human waste' kept inside their tour bus in a river which coincidently took place above some touring people rowing their boats on that same river. you tell me what happened. yes, that happened. some people are reported to be injured.it almost cost the band 70gRand to close the case on trial. gee...shit happens.anyway, its the weekend (again, so fast). last week i was sick. could not handle myself. this week i think i will move out from my dorm, to the new dorm. well, i am waiting a response from aLe...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:14 AM [comment]


Thursday, August 26, 2004

emang dasarnya gw gila nongkrong, atau gw kesepian ya, gw bawaannya keluar mulu. pokoknya di atas jam 6, gw harus ada di luar kamar gw. anyway, besok atau lusa gw udah bisa pindah. leganya...kalo malam ga keluar berasa basi. doh...emang bawaan orok. malam ini gw keluar ama renny. udah bingung mau ngajak sapa lagi. tp untung cw satu ini enak banget diajak ngobrol apa aja. kita minum dan ngobrol di DR, lalu cabut ke LIP buat dinner, dan ngobrol lagi.hgehehehe.begitulah kawula muda...saat kuliah sudah bukan bahan pembicaraan lagi, dan the big question is kapan lo lulus.hohohho.anyway, besok udah siap jalan lagi ama mantannya bli-ku.kasihan juga sih tuh orang, apa nasibnya tanpa gadisnya.ntar deh liat...pokoknya besok jalan lagi. btw, kemarin malam as what i have planned gw liat konser musik klasik dan tango argentina dari trio inouva di LIP.berasa ngeliat The gOdFather in person jo! musiknya melow abis, dan france banget gitu loh.hehe.the tuba player is darn sexy. his lips were wet under the lights.bayangin aja. slurp...slurp...hehehehe.anyway, sabtu ada musik klasik lagi di LIP, piano lagi (my favorit too)...berarti sabtu udah siap pergi lagi...haha!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:14 PM [comment]


dulu kalo gw bangun pagi biasanya buat siaran SIAP. dan dulu itu marathon. kelar siaran 1001 show, tidur bentar, atau ngga tidur sama sekali, langsung siaran SIAP. kalo jadi penyiar dikit banget waktu buat tidur. trust me. dan sekarang gw bangun pagi buat nganter adik gw yang sangat telatan itu ke lokasi orientasinya (anak baru gitu). beda orang yang selalu dikejar deadline kayak gw, dengan dia yang selembe banget. males. Indonesia banget. telatan. janji jam 5.15, eh malah sms nyuruh gw datang 5.20, dan gw udah di depan kos dia. emang jam segitu mau kemana? basi. gw semprot akhirnya. udah minta jemput. telat. anyway, suara Raja di mTv pagi ini masih suara bantal. kemana jo...anyway, seJogja hari ini semua anak baru pada oSpeK. duh, udah 4 tahun. gw makin tua aja.kemana aja gw ya, tiba-tiba udah di sini. dan gw musti lulus tahun ini. you know what, gw hari ini tinggal sendirian di lantai atas. dan gw musti cabut sesegera mungkin. kinda freaked out you know. gila apa.di atas situ. dulu ramai banget. sekarang i am the only one left up there. duh, apa yang menyusul penderitaan ini :p

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 5:44 AM [comment]


Wednesday, August 25, 2004

too bad that we dont have snow here. but i always dearly believe that Christmas should always be fun. its the most wonderful time of the year.yet, its quiet far, still august. i am very overwhelmed with the feeling though. anyhow, i am curious what will this X mas look like. well far from christmas, today i have a stormy belly. its always like this in the morning. was it something i ate? yesterday was quiet a feast with those girl. hey, today i will see the performance of Inouva Trio. cant wait to see them. hopefully they are great. its been so long since my last musical show. cant wait to see'em (again)...aghhhh...my tummyy...Xmas come soon...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:42 AM [comment]


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

many things has happened from the weekend, and up to today. shit happens, that's how budhist view this life. and actually life has many shits, and different shits are used in different religion. kinda hard to believe me? u got to ask my lecturer then. anyway, for all of you who wish to see a movie entitled 'the dance' from the story i composed the other day, very sorry that i could not go further developing it. as i got no approval to go to the next step. i know that it was hard. and i think it is the right time for me to have a break from the script writing, cause i need to continue writing my thesis.i got to rush. my brother broke up from his girl friend, a very close friend of mine. and since when i noticed that he looks dead. terible. actually he does not need to do so. bit pathetic. i mean, if thats the way he wanted to win her back, he wont ever have her again. love fool. love hurts.he gets to face that. i feel fine already today, but still cannot get over the feeling of losing that prestigious project. hopefully i will have another project not far from now. i got to work. need more money...and i will keep on writing. till my hurt aches. till my hand swolen. nahhh...hey, tomorrow there will be a small classical music concert at LiP. be there!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:08 PM [comment]


Monday, August 23, 2004

gw inget, dulu pas nyokap masih ada (nyokap gw passed away in 1995), kalo misalnya nAtal everyone pasti kayak kebakaran jenggot. bukan apa-apa, kita percaya kalo penYelamAt udah mau datang, udah mau ketok pintu dan berbagi kesukaan karena dia udah datang, dan udah kita sambut, jadi dia mau ikut party di rumah kita.sekarang nyokap ngga ada cHrisTmas juga feels odd, different, beda. jadi lupa sama feeling itu. mungkin itu kali yang bikin gw jadi aneh juga sekarang, ngga ngerasa tenang, bahagia, puas dengan apa yang gw pegang. cukup logis? terserah aja mau nanggapin nya gimana tapi begitulah. susah buat gw merangkul feel itu lagi. udah agak basi feelingnya. apa karena gw juga udah 20an begini? huhuhhu. mudah2an nanti-nanti feel itu bisa gw dapet lagi. mau bahagia bulan depan? lo musti cek FOX, karena JOEY mulai tayang. yup, spin off nya FrieNds itu (masih ga bisa terima kalo fRiEnds udah tamat setamat-tamatnya). dan jOeY ditemani sama kedua adiknya yang kalo diliat baik2 hidungnya tipe dan gedenya sama (casting nya hebat bisa nemuin orang yang hidungnya mirip sama Matt LeBlanc.hahahahaha)...well, karena gw agak rindu ama feel itu, jadi skrg background songnya lagu nAtal juga...ada foto2 dari jOey juga...anyway, gw baru tahu kalo di blog yg lo punya lo bisa masukin video. nah buat lo semua yg punya handy cam, any cam (maksudnya kamera apa aja), atau ponsel lo punya daya rekam cukup lama (10 atau 15 menitan gitu). coba aja bikin videonya, terus bikin di video maker (bener ngga?), dan up load ke internet, supaya video itu bisa lo link dan availabe on-line. kayaknya lucu.hohohoh...tapi gw blom punya handy cam tuh...kalo lo mau coba, klik ke sini

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 8:41 PM [comment]


two dwellers got eliminated from the kingdom as they plotted to attack the king, for the king found out their rejection and betrayal on the land's bussiness they made sometimes ago before entering the kingdom...and the jester felt terified to sense that anything worst might occur. a blodshed might ruin his sleep. last night was a problem. a real problem.anyway, i am senseless at the moment. suddenly i am not really sure whether i am going to move to that place or what. cause risks are on my way.i prefer to stay in some peacefull dwelling. its okay to be a bit crowded but its nice to know that the people are not the barbarians. those barbarians need to watch the brady bunch, or God father part I, just like the jester. though the jester eventually tired to watch jan's hair swinging from side to side and her nose struck up to hear both of her conscius talking to her (she's weird), and to witness Luca Brasi got slaughtered ferociously.hahahahahha

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:23 AM [comment]


Sunday, August 22, 2004

its lame, everything is lame this weekend. i dont feel good about myself, and the sky looks dim cause i am ill. its always feel that way when i am ill. the sky would turn orange or at least purple, and my sight becomes very limited, and my body just want to lay down. gosh. well, they broke up. eventually. never expect though, but i think she has had enough of him. i love him too, but what can i say she does not love him that much anymore. with this, many things will change. darn it...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:24 PM [comment]


Saturday, August 21, 2004

its the weekend and i am still having the illness caused by yesterday's exposure of the sun. i am still sick, and i dont know what i should do in the weekend within this sickness....ughhh!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 8:16 AM [comment]


Friday, August 20, 2004

okay, kayaknya cuaca sangat berpengaruh sama kondisi gw. gw tau sih badan gw emang rentan, mudah sakit, dari jaman kapan gw emang ga tough2 banget kyk cowok kebanyakan. gpp lah, i love myself. this is my body anyway. sekarang aja gw dah ngerasa panas dingin ngga jelas di leher, tenggorokan gw sakit, dipaksa tidur jg ngga bisa. duh. oiya, selama 2 hari gw kehilangan pouch biru gw yang isinya buku tabungan, novel, dan KTP. adooooo...kemana ya pikiran gw sampe itu barang2 penting gw tinggalin. duhh...anyway. tadi udah ketemu pouchnya. ketinggalan di joker.ihhh...weekend kayak gini sakit, uang menipis, dan kesel. anything worse? eh...tadi malam liat Runaway Jury. which is so cool.setelah liat film itu baru ngerti kenapa susah banget, dan kenapa cukup beresiko untuk jadi jury di sebuah civil court. sayang di Indonesia ngga ada begituan, jadi ngga ngerti gimana rasanya. well, the story is a top notch. keren banget deh John Grisham. oiya, gw juga liat Lion King 3. kangen ama Timon dan Pumba. huhuhuhuhu, nathan lane yang ngisi suaranya Timon emang lucu banget. tapi mirip ama Billy Crystal deh. well, malam ini nyari filmnya JOhn Grisham lagi ah...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 4:50 PM [comment]


Thursday, August 19, 2004

bahasa indonesia aja kali ya. tadi mlm liat film french di LIP, filmnya bagus tapi penontonnya yang ga bagus. aku malah ditinggalin kakakku yg kayaknya berantem ama pacarnya. dan walhasil aku pulang sendiri. brengsek. kurangajar. udah nontonnya mereka yang ngajak. terus datangnya telat (mereka janji mau jemput). nontonnya mereka ngga selesai. pulang aku sendirian pula. orang-orang yg ga pernah bisa dimengerti. selalu nyakitin hati dan ntar muncul dengan senyum serasa mereka ngga pernah berbuat. basi. udah sering aku coba ngertiin. tetep aja begitu. entahlah, gimana mereka bisa ambil sikap. so childish. sampai kapan aku bisa toleransi sama tindakan yg seperti itu. sabar kan ada batasnya. penantian kan ada akhirnya.
anyway, supervisor ku bilang aku harus menunggu keputusan. duh, sebel juga menanti itu. kenapa ya harus ada yang namanya 'menanti.' mungkin karena dunia ini punya yang namanya 'waktu,' jadi ada yang namanya 'menanti.' banyak yang kunantikan sekarang: kapan punya pacar, kapan lulus, kapan FTV ku mulai produksi, kapan Rizal ngerespons script yang kukirim, kapan aku bisa ganti ponsel, kapan aku bisa nyewa apartemen, kapan aku terima kabar dari supervisor ku.uhhhhh.menanti memang menyebalkan.
anyway, october adalah wisuda gelombang 2. aku bisa ngga ya ngebut skripsi nya. di pikiran ku sih kayaknya bisa. tapi kenyataannya ga tau. Tuhan tolong!! ayah udah nyiapin semua buat oktober.huehuehuehue.pusing sekaleeeee....eh ternyata BIg fIsh itu film yang bagus sekali. saya jadi cinta sama Edward Bloom. he's so lovely and dont know...imaginary, overall keren sekali.hehehe. jadi inget forrest gump yang dicintai semua orang, dan selalu beruntung itu...uhuhuhuuh

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 12:56 PM [comment]


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

sigh. too wait is boring, anyone would hate it.that includes me. i am waiting the information from those company on my story that i have sent them. i am crossing my finger and i wait like a dumb.doing nothing which in the end leads me to boredom. anyway, the new semester is approaching. i guess i wont be that busy this half next year (except if i make it to the next level of the script and doing the FTV)...ahhh. this is boredom, and slowly i am running out of money. come on give me a fast repons...arhhh..hey. i have put one new link on the bottom left of my page entitled Movies i am watching Now...with some reviews and grading scale (5 stars means classic (perfect)>

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 12:41 PM [comment]


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

as soon as the payment comes there are several things to do, and all of them are the fucking bills. damn, i need to move out and fine a new place next month. well, may its time to see the world in another different prespective. anyway, happy 'independence day' anyone. huahhh...i am so tired. i dont feel like my stomache is in a good condition, i cannot and do not want to eat anything. gee...was it because that white sleezy stuff?? i dont know...remember the korean drama series i told u the other day? well i pulled my guts all together and traced the sadness within the stories. trust me, you can feel the pain too. gee, i dont wish that had i didnt see that drama. well...nothing to lose, beside tears...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:11 PM [comment]


its dawn here. and i cannot sleep. so i went here.with some doubts and dissapointed feelings.well, lets put that aside.i read just now that ALien vs Predator the movie hits the box office at number 1.it seems that everyone would love 2 see these 2 savage killers killing each other while also killing the casts.it would be very fun.i am always a big fan of Ripley and the alien herself (its a woman.isn't it?). you know...i like the way that tiny head coming out from the widespread creepy mouth of the alien.and i quote 'go away you bitch' alien ripley---> alien 2 (my favorit one compared to the rest of the aliens installment.so i am looking forward to see this movie.which one will die???hehehe.hey, today is the 59th anniversary of Indonesian independence "merdeka!!!". hopefully everything's getting better in this nation.its too long we wait for a dramatic peacefull change heading to betterment. so what shall i do today??

Alien vs Predator

birds of prey

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:19 AM [comment]


Monday, August 16, 2004

yesterday i went to a small jazz exhibition in DR. quite fun. the music was that close.and the crowd was fun too. i notice that the weather last night was cold. very cold that the crowd inside DR made it quite warm for us to mingle to each other. overall its fun. i went there with Budi, renny, and Betty. we sat on the same sofa, which eventually becoming insufficient for the four of us. we have a very nice chat. i wonder when we will be able to meet such situations again, in the future. all four of us will soon be separated from each other, building our future. we will depart from this city. sigh. time sure flies huh? anyway, last night i managed myself to finish the whole 20 series of the korean drama i told u the other day. surprise, surprise, the ending was shocking and thrilling...out of my expectation which in the end made me distress to trace back the plot of the story. at first i have different expectation to the series. in the end everything tends to be a social drama (rather than romantic genre), the problem was getting much more complicated than when it was in the first ten series. and suddenly i fell for the girl named ha ji-won...sigh!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:23 AM [comment]


Sunday, August 15, 2004

weekend was a bit odd for me. nothing was that special except that i was feeling a very smooth air and heavenly breeze when i was joining the english mass yesterday afternoon with my soon to be sister in law (my brother is hindu. do u expect the same?). very few people joined the service, the church was very spacy, you could sit everywhere you want. some expats on sights. the sun was not that hot. and there are several banyan trees out side the church. splendid. i never really enjoyed my time during a service that much. thanks God i came to the service yesterday. the choir was splendid. not many of them but they sang like a soccer field (kidding)...anyway, i spent the evening in the cyber, most likely some people who have no life (and i quote from someone i forgot who)...doing that stupid friendster (which is addictive), and doing many things for my blog...its a bit plain.i dont know why, what, and where. well, today DR is having a small jazz performance, i think i will go there.my heart is a bit restless, today my supervisor is sending all the stories to the company that will produce the movies we are writing. i wonder will i be joining the next phase...hopefully, i really need the project. cross my finger here!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:27 PM [comment]


Saturday, August 14, 2004

Cruise is on the cover of
Rollingstone this week. it says that he is facing his turning point. whats that suppose 2 mean? well i think he is in the edge of 40 he needs to decide something, taking different kind of angle in his career, steady life, something. i heard that he is going back with Nicole, but how's Lenny then? Cruise really got to set his feet on something really steady now. a family maybe?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:07 AM [comment]


finally, the olympic returns back to Athen. and yesterday was the opening ceremony. for those who missed the party, enjoy some images below!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:46 AM [comment]


as what everyone might have predicted Helena eventually had to leave. it might be a harsh truth for everyone who vote for Helena. well, last night she was awesome. the performance was outstanding, even she hit the floor none like Delon or Nania who actually did not really showing their best. overall, Nania and Delon are limited genre singers. they have no soul in performing. lets just say that both need more reference in other genre, so that they can perform any kind of song with the vibe of that song they're singing. Nania is to orchestrated, and Delon is so Groban. they cannot sing contemporary pop songs. sigh. well, she's out. there's nothing i can do. i was very dissapointed cause i still want to hear her singing on that stage. hopefully i can hear more of her in the future. about her life, and of course more of her voice. love Helena!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:45 AM [comment]


Friday, August 13, 2004

eventually i can have a nice relieving weekend, that results to this restless feeling of wonder...where and what would i do to spend the weekend.hehe.well, in case i am going on to the next phase then i would be quite busy within the next two months. gee...then when would i finish my study? well (again) this weeked would be nice to see more movies (i am going to watch the next episode of Something Happened in Bali. its getting hotter there.hehe), nice chats in Dekat Rumah (i put some images of Dekat Rumah down there), and may be a little window shoppings (or maybe shopping itself.hahaha)....anyway, today i went to a record store to find JoJo's CD-but they have not got it yet.gee...i have been waiting for a month or so...well, happy weekend guys! dont forget to watch Indonesian Idol tonight and vote for Joy!! hahahaha.

the front door.

the shelve where the books are sold

the eastern opening

center to east

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 3:42 PM [comment]


relieve equals to: when you are taking huge dump, you reach ejaculation (you cum abruptly. screaming fiercefully.haha), free of asthma, and any pain...and i am relieve....but...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:35 AM [comment]


Thursday, August 12, 2004

tomorrow is my dateline, and i have not finished writing them...gee...(sigh!) -cross my fingers-

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:32 PM [comment]


introducing: Stanley Osmond.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:56 PM [comment]


the eating dissorder suffered by Mary-Kate recently has inspired two designers from the States to design a tee shirt with Mary-Kate's face on it. The money from the selling of the tees will be donated to an institution handling kids with eating dissorder. the tee shirt is available in blue, white, and pink colors. you can see some images of the tee's here. you can also order the tee's here .


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:39 PM [comment]


Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Jamelia is the new queen of soul, slide show
here...read it in this edition of GQ here...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:49 PM [comment]


heya there.i just got back from renting some movies. i just cant get enough of watching movies. actually its a strange thing you know. when i was very small i used to get scared by the sounds and noise coming from my TV set. but now,if i can stay awake all night long then i would watch any TV still broadcasting-even till dawn. and that is just so me.and about the movies, the list will just getting bigger and bigger each day. i watch many kinds of movies, the worst to the best. i told u, any kinds. well, u might want to know what movies i ever watched right? just wait...u'll see it here. i found out that this blog is just the right place to tell craps and good stuffs that u have as a human being.haha.may be one just gets very wordy that thier blogs are full of craps. like me. anyway (i use this word frequently, if u notice that) its 2 days to my dateline, and many ideas have already buzz in my mind. i am quite curious to find out how it will be in the ending, cause i am telling you. its only a half of it at the moment. i am very excited with this. so, i need your prayer friends...to get me strength to finish, to create, to make, to compose a grabbing, a biting tale. well (i will use this one if anyway gets too frequent.haha), i finished watching Maid in manhattan, Amelie, empire of the sun, loosing Isaiah, and tonight i will watch the 4th episode of Something happenned in Bali (to the 8th), sex is zero (korean), and Garfield. well (hahahaha) Empire of the sun is top notch.if u like Steven Spielberg, you'll love Empire of the sun. its like Schinder's list but much more gentle, and whats more is that it is in color, and u'll get to see how's the look of our new Batman (Christian Bale) when he was only 10 or something. he should get a Golden Globe there.i am telling you, watching many movies broaden your mind, sensitivitize your senses, more human qualities, and for me who works in this field...it helps.

empire of the sun

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins:2005)

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 8:41 PM [comment]


next two days is my dateline. kinda freaked out cause i have not touch the energy of my story, in which i can sum any powerful effect and biting factor of the story. i tried and still trying to find refference from some movies i watched previously. but none really work to add something in the story. none really related to the idea i am developing now. most of the times i am occupied by the idea that the dance much more feels like the piano, where this mute girl was being explorated by her own teacher. well, hopefully i am not going that way. i will be considered fake, plagiarism,anything...damn. well, last night i watched paper moon.an old movie starred by Ryan O'neal and his daughter Tatum O'neal. Tatum won her Oscar here. the movie was great, nope...awesome. it was still black and white, and u know...very old.but,again...good movie is a good movie. anyway, i just got back from Paparon's having lunch with Veny. i had a very nice chicken mushroom soup...hehehe.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:40 PM [comment]


Tuesday, August 10, 2004

okay, here is the detail. a dish of hot spagethy with beef sauce and slices of cheese, pepper, salt (should that be salt first?) with many drinks and later on fresh cold vodka with Fanta. nice dinner actually, but i think i am full...anyway, its already fall. have u prepared ur fall fashion gadgets? hopefully,i heard that this year's fall would be very much colder
summer in Ravenna beach in Italy

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:56 PM [comment]


hari ini bintang ulang tahun, dia mau masak spagethy. which is so interesting. ntar sore bakal makan mie italia itu. yumyy. anyway, jogja mulai sepi...karena anak-anak kuliahan mulai liburan. momen yang cukup bikin stress karena tiba-tiba kota pelajar ini bakal kehilangan sebagian besar penduduknya. karena aku udah 4 tahun di sini jadi situasi ini sudah bisa kebaca. mending bisa pulang, kalo ngga bisa sama aja. harus bertahan dalam situasi seperti ini. lebih parah lagi kalo akhir tahun. karena bahkan burjo juga tutup, dan itu betuk-betul menjadi masa liburan yang menyiksa. aku bagaimana? ya...mudah2an aja tulisan ku bisa masuk tahap 2, ya emang musti pitching terus. dan yang pastinya bakal bisa ke bali lagi. huehuehuehue...tapi skripsi ku gimana ini....

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 12:40 PM [comment]


Monday, August 09, 2004

these girls listed below have been identified as the 'not so so actress' who took not so 'major' movies role, and instead going low budget, yet thrilling and non main stream characters. they have caused the change on how Hollywood sees new actresses. they are those who made the under 25 hotties became so hot, that many directors and movie companies would enlist them in their casting calls, major roles...get ready for them.
these are some of them within the last 2 decades:
*Winona Ryder (Autumn in New York, Alien 4, girl-interupted,etc)
*Christina Ricci (Ally McBeal, Sleepy Hollow, Casper, Adams Family, Prozac Nation)
*Claire Danes (Igby Goes Down, Romeo and Juliet, Brokedown palace, etc)
*Evan Rachel Wood (thirteen, etc)
*Lindsay Lohan (Mean Girls, Confession of a Teenage drama Queen, Freaky Friday,etc)

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:50 PM [comment]


the lights out in my apartment, i cannot use my PC or my lap top. damn. when everything turns to be a bit bright, and i have many things to write suddenly this happenned. shit happens right? eventually i came here. my second home. Joker internet cafe. the end of any boredom. and its always here. many sins...including any thoughts about sins that you might have in your mind at the moment. well, a friend of mine launched his first movie in jakarta this week, buruan cium gue thats how u'll find it. its a sort of an extension of that ABG soap on TV. anyway, i am working with mine too at the moment. and compared to the movie i mentioned previously, mine is a bit deep, so it needs more concentration on the working of the script. anyway,i am also curious about how my first FTV is going on. many things hapenned in that TV station that i am facing this halt. but that is okay.i can wait.
before this, i went to a coffee shop named Coffee Break, and suddenly i have this thought of moving to Bali, so that i can expand my artsy sense and fully working my nerve as an artisan there. i believe that staying in a right sphere i can work out into anything, something, a freedom of speech that will come out into any form...any interest that i have behold for so long.i am waiting for that day...the harvest of my creativities, the birth of a liberated and expressive me.let me count the days...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:19 PM [comment]


hi all, whazzup? its been three days i suppose? or two? the hell...anyway, how's the weekend. i did many things. well,mostly all of them can be identified as 'chillin' or 'hanging out'...thats me. and never been so different than that. i spent most of my times with my brother and his girl...my soon to be sister in law (believe me, it will be hard bussiness cause marriage is not a simple thing.right?). there was this shopping session, french fries and cola float, and some comedies last night.which was fun.anyway, it was a church time also...its been a month, and the eagerness to go back to see that holly cross really bothered my mind. i had to go, and i know i wanted to go. so,i went there.and much more relieve now. anyway (a second time)...some of things hapenned in the weekend:
-Zoolander, and i quote 'thats Hansel. he's hot now :Jacob Mugatu'
-something hapenned in Bali
-a nice open space dining spree near by Mataram theatre. they got a very nice dish of ampela and babat...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:23 AM [comment]


Saturday, August 07, 2004

michael is out, and for the first time ever...Delon was on the bottom two. the show is undoubtedly getting hot in there, cause the big three is belong to the ladies: Joy-who was predicted as the single most suitable champ entering the final round, Nania-somewhat got to prove that she's hotter than that, and Helena-not mediocre but there is something in her which needs more polish. and Delon, actually...he is mediocre.well, let us see...cause its all about the polls.even in American Idol, La Toya was out while she was predicted to be one kicking as singer in the show (we know that Fantasia eventually won right?). the jury was dissapointed but they got nothing to do, America loved Barino and Fantasia the most. well...there are three weeks left until we can find out who is the first Indonesian Idol...let us pray folks

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:59 AM [comment]


Friday, August 06, 2004

again, its like 10 times on that stupid login page, and 2 times until i can make this post possible on your eye sight.gee...anyway, its weekend already right? i got this mail from my supervisor warning me about the dateline of my submission, well...i told him that everything's okay and i am still writing. i am still writing anyway, but its like one five of whole plots, and its like some hundred hours before i eventually can say that it's done.i cross my finger though. again, its the weekend. whats u guys have planned? go to the beach? shopping? or just window shopping? camping? having sex with some stranger in the public bathroom (which is so cool as long as you dont meet some psycho sex addict.right?)-i like all of the ideas but dont know whether i will do each one of it soon. anyway, i have rent some movies from the store, there are mean girls (i love lindsay lohan), one japanese movie (and i quote ' a very beautiful action movie'), lost in translation, the friends finale, and zoolander.
so i watched the friends finale first. i could not believe that great series eventually really ended. i could not stand crying. because its really sad to see them eventually got separated from each other. having to return back all the keys of Monica's apartment, moving out from that circle of friends and starting a new life. which is so sad. a very beautiful ten years of friends....

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:03 PM [comment]


i am back again, the same day i am pissed of previously...just trying my luck.who knows i can make some postings here. eventually i made it, as u can read here. although i have to face that stupid login page again. anyway, its really hot out there,so i decided to get back in the net and on-line again.i was reading this book entitled 'the seed of terror' which analyze the development of Al-Qaeda and its global network, and also its doing recently. damn, the book was hardly acceptable, i barely can take any close account to each insident there. meaning that...they are really out of my mind. i wonder how i can write those things into my synopsis and compose somethings quite acceptable for people to see. i am a humanist writer, i tend to write simple and imaginative things, documentary is kind of head twisting genre for me(as it is my first time too).well, my sister brought the car,so i have to wait here until they finish those girly things they decided to do.where would i go from here? several things i have in mind:
1. go back to my apartment and sleep, cause i am quite sleepy; or
2.go back to my apartment, and play the Friends finale on my DVD; or
3.go to Coffee break and browse some ideas there for my script and my thesis
that does it. i think i have an urgent nature call here...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:08 PM [comment]


okay, i am still pissed of and still anxious to punch some flesh to express my anger on this stupid lost session that i had with that stupid login page...so, i try to make another post, which is...this one...anyway, i am still working on my script and at the moment is doing some research on Ubud (the place, the people, the heritage, the customes, anything would be helpful) so...if somehow u are helpful to me in anyway please let me know.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:38 AM [comment]


what can i say beside that i am pissed of...for three days or so i could not make a single post in my blog. that damn login page brought me again and again to that stupid...login page...it kept brought me back to the same page.i was distressed and for Pete's sake followed all stupid steps to refresh my account (they said that my account cannot be helped, and somehow it sounds to me that i cannot make anymore post or personalise my blog.damn!). but...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:22 AM [comment]


Tuesday, August 03, 2004

there is this guy named Damien Sebastian, an artist...nothing but serious and lame affection to the thing called love. he was once betrayed, damn hard that he never believe himself can start a new relationship. until he meets Ni Wayan Sari. A mysterious girl surviving from the Bali bombing yet losing her sense to her surroundings and since the incidents never make any necessary effort to touch the reality. she suffers from a deep trauma because of losing her fiancee in the bombing. The man she loved was no where to be found and later on considered death within the bombing. and she lives everyday facing the harsh truth that she's alone.

Until Damien comes to her life and speaks a language that awakes her from that very long sleep and makes her dance again...the only thing she really loves...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:57 AM [comment]


last night i watched catwoman. what can i say beside that i am quite dissapointed.i mean, come on...this might be the only catwoman who has tanned (i mean brown) skin, and Halle Berry might be the only catwoman whose ever hold the stupid OSCAR in her hand, yet...it's dissapointing. it's like they were not really serious in doing that project. Patience should be awarded with many action sequences and nice butt kicking scenes...some dull dialogues, and a really scrappy ending for Sharon Stone. well, the cat fight did not really work for me, since actually the villain does not match Sharon what so ever. the only thing she could do was thomping catwoman's breast (i thought that steel stuff would hole-ing her belly already) but i realized that any minutes she would smile nastily and make her ending to that face creamed villain. there were many sequences which could really boast Patience's slimy actions, like what she did in the jewelry store.i was hoping that the director would shot the jump she made and put the bullets quite visible for us to see and quiet slow that Patience can be seen escaping from it, and the rest was unnecessary.my expectation is: since the movie itself made it to the boxoffice there might be a possibility that we would see the second catwoman, and of course they would have to change the director and the script writer, cause they failed to do their job.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:42 AM [comment]


Monday, August 02, 2004

one. finish my thesis ASAP so that i would be among the graduates on October.
two. finish the unfinished details on campus which is sick-ing my mind.
three. finish my synopsis, revise, and make a better formula.
four. propose that slasher flick to Rizal .
five. none at the moment...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:17 PM [comment]


just want to let you guys know, my danr cool handsome foster father george clooney is now dating a british georgeous model Lisa Snowdon, dont know how long they will be together. cause my father is such a teaser and such a player that he let go those beautiful women easily. just like me, he is a womanizer.nahhh...LOL!!
anyway, my father is going to star in a detective movie, and he's going to be this CIA detective in a mid of 40 (which is very close to what my father looks like at the moment), and he said to me that 'son, your father won't be looking as handsome as usual becase i have to gain like some killos and would have to lose some of my hair, so...dont expect a future mother in a very near time'...daaa. but i think that would be great. because i always want him to cast for a lot more sexier role than as Danny Ocean (hey, my father has wrapped up the Ocean's twelve. catch them in theatre soon). well, lets see...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:53 PM [comment]


finally, the man in our search path has been found. that means, no chance for Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger, and Jude Law to possibly quoting that famous line" Bond...James Bond"...he is...Eric Bana. 35 years old Eric Bana will be starring the latest installment of James Bond movie which is "the man with the red tatoo" next year. and comparing to Pierce Brosnan who stopped being James Bond at the age of 50 then Eric would have many years to go, of course with several Bond movies. well, he's one muscled Bond.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:52 AM [comment]


Sunday, August 01, 2004

once i sat down in a food vendor and i looked around. i looked at people who are different than me. some people who are not as lucky as me (and still feel that i need a better life than one i owe at the moment, feeling curious whether i would be able to live prosperously, well groom, any ideas i have in mind). those people live their life like having no worries, not demanding many things like me (or its just me who doesnot know that they demand many things too), not desiring any branded stuff that can make one feel arrogance and secure cause one can afford those stuffs and walk flamboyantly on them, in them, with them. how does it feel to fall in love with an ordinary you. you that feel glad with what you have with you at the moment, and not desiring much more.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:01 PM [comment]


some noticeable results from last night gig. some are really occupying:
1.heavy and some dark shadows under the eyes.
medication: eye cream from Neutrogena.
2. tired and sore feet due to restless hip last night.
medication: Body Shop cooling gel for legs.
3.oily and dusty face resulting to visible red spots on some areas of the face indicating future acne. medication: Johnson and Johnson's facial wash.
4.cramp back as the result of full time standing party, no one got a clear seat last night and had to...stand. medication: Spa or massage-anywhere possible.
5.smokey and smelly hair-uncool attack by some idiots who don't know the life long cursed of emphysema.
medication: hair spa or just cream bath at nearby local salon.

further indication might need serious treatment from clubbing expert. contact your local clubbers for advice and possible curing medicine.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 12:40 PM [comment]


I thought that this saturday night i will be ended lonely and lame watching Kill Bill Vol.1 again, especially the part when O-ren-Ishii enters the restaurant with her subordinates, the deadly yet gorgeus GoGo Yubari and Sofie fatale. the score is fabulous. my favorite. anyway, i eventually ended with Bintang to browse the city and find some cool new stuffs for me, and her. somehow. we went to DR and met this favor to accompany and join some people to hit the club tonight. nothing to lose...its time to hit the floor again, it felt like years i am not losing myself within the beat of the music, and the hip crowd. damn...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 3:27 AM [comment]


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