Sunday, October 31, 2004

its rainy outside.
just got back from a foursome dinner with resta, vera, and indy. some girls in my life, for sure.
i suppose there is what we know as rise and fall. when it comes to the times when we dont see some people as frequent as it used to be. but thats fine. its okay. its okay.
listening to another favorable single from the coRrs called 'time enough for tears.'
a perfect theme for the coming fall, and the rain outside.
a magic from the breeze, and dreams, and how mold can it be- i mean the weather outside.
listen to the song, i mean it. its a possible hits. beautiful one.
listening to the song makes me want to sit among dafodiles and lavenders on a really wide field. when all of a sudden, the breeze would touch my skin, and the sun is not that hot. the clouds are playing around my head. perfect time to have a great nap.
here is the complete lyrics.

Let's read the trees and their autumn leavesAs they fall like a dress undoneAt the end of summers, love will find lovers Who need the shadow of a winter's sunDon't tell me you're leavingWe can hide in the eveningIt's getting darker than it shouldIf we read the leaves as they blow in the breezeWould it stop us now, my love?Time enough for hard questions, time enough for all our fearsTime is tougher than we both know yet – time enough for tearsThe moon is milk and the sky where it's spilt, it's magicAnd we all need to believe that we can wake in the dreamIt's not as hard as it seems - you know, it's harder to leaveTime enough for being braver, time enough for all our fearsTime is tougher than we both know yet – time enough for tearsI heard you say underneath your breath some kind of prayerI heard you say underneath your breath That you never wanna feel this way about anybody elseTime enough for hard questions, time enough for all our fearsTime, it's tougher than we both know yet – time enough for tearsTime enough for being braver, time enough – I love this time of year Time, it's tough, it's running away from us – time enough for tearsTime enough...(I know, I know...)(It's OK, it's OK...)

this song makes me wonder of the future.
with hopes that its not that hard, anymore, since i am not that tough. not that strong.
with hopes that the whether would be breezy. and i wont cry no more.
darn it. i hate it when i get too sentimental.
hope tomorrow would be breezy.

please. i beg thee.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:30 PM [comment]


its sunday and i slept late last night. talking with a friend till dawn, and eventually finished editing my movie by 12.15 this day. an achievement. yet i have not put the music. i have not copy the movie to AVI format. i have not burned the movie. darn it. wope up because my sister came to my place and asked me whether she could use the computer, and she left after i told her that dont use the computer cause the electricty goes down quite often that she would get mad anytime it goes down.
in the end i have to took my bath and continuing editing the movie. last nite was almost a sex. almost. daa. hours before had a conversation with my brother. he's sort of a soul remedy for me. anyway i am sleeples. start to feel so sleepy by this minutes. do u think i have to go to bed? suddenly i remember that i haven't bought the fan. room is more than hell by this hour. the air there is so awkward. its a torture. i wish i could move somehwere colder than that room.
anyway, its flat this far.
many things in my mind to tell u guys. but, give me time to close these eyes for a sec. i am goddamn sleepy.
see you later.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:55 PM [comment]


Saturday, October 30, 2004

its weekend, again. strange enough to me. to feel that the life at it's fullest always comes to the realization, always by the edge of the weekend.
i always know that its weekend already. yet, when its one of the working days i would have to ask ' what day is it today? and i would remark 'ahh...its wednesday already?' and like 'so 3 days after today would be another weekend?'. darn it. its like you are working for a seven eleven convenient store. you dont know when to wake up since u are awake all the time. darn.
reading ve's blog makes me want to write about some girls. the girls in my life. not having many of em. just some. wondering where they are. why we seldom meet recently. things dont go wrong. maybe its only a matter of time. maybe its time to break up. rise and fall.
i dont want to write about them. mesmerizing is enough. damn u whitney houston. she is a singer.
to all the girls i am in love with. to all the girls who buzz my mind. to all the girls with whom i spent pointless conversation. stupid and dirty jokes.
to all the girls in my life. miss u at the moment.

you can have anything in the world. but it is pointless to know that u have no one to love.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:54 PM [comment]


Friday, October 29, 2004

this far.
nothing special everyone.
the night has not come so the details are not here. expecting something good for today.
would do i believe up to this moment? that things would end good right?
i believe that too.
one noisy slented bitch on the corner.
going back to the past a bit, whitney houston's i believe in my ears.
missing the old days. but what do i miss? nothing makes me really missing the past beside my beloved mom.
missing her so much. life would be pretty much different without one you are in love with, close to.
wonder why friday is always dry. and high. is it the boredom? is it me? or is it just me?

see u tonight. more things might be told.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:42 AM [comment]


Thursday, October 28, 2004

life's frenzy.
still feeling the nice unknown mood for others.
what? i am controlling myself. not the other way around. doing my own thing. so leave.
buzzing around the town for new hangouts and shopping sphere.
meeting that girl today. am i really in a mood for love?
dont stop being cool. make a big entrance.
its thursday already.
tomorrow's friday.
another weekend a head.
how's life like the wind. comes and goes so fast.

what next?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:26 PM [comment]


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

dont know how today will pass.
any recognition of cool element on the corner?
any significant buzz? full of question.
the day is calm, the day is still. what a soul might want to do by this hanging minutes? buzzing some cool place anyone?
a good car is really in need, indeed. gag. who wants to buy me one precious chevrolet-a green one.note that-or a jazz? note, a red or blue one. a dark blue one.
filling the day with more net buzzing. thats how a lifeless creature with loads of demanding spend his days.
gotta break a while. changing a bit a look of this page. not for you. for me.

see you. until this evening maybe?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:27 AM [comment]


Monday, October 25, 2004

got jet lag because of the frenzy life. and its noon already. almost night. the night falls.
been buzzing the net for hours. break a while. and another buzz. its not cool to spend the night on ur own. darn.
i heard that the girl i am buzzing now. the word buzz is patented. break.

buzz means peeking at, having crush on, hectic, or dive into. more related meanings will be forwarded.

continue. i heard that the girl i am buzzing presently sent me a greeting. what would that greeting refered to. a nice sparkling shot of romance-again- for me. or its just a short and quick bang of a promising yet impossible memoir. well, if things dont go my way i will put her in the list. stanley osmond's romance wannabe girls list. daa.
i'll try to drop her a line tomorrow. probably. maybe. i dont know.
its been years, i assume so, since the last time i used my eyeglasses. now i am wearing him-i called my eyeglasses spike- again. wearing him? odd enough. use him. for safety, look, and anything. i assume.
have more deadlines on the way.
possible romance. lets sing 'i will survive' yaye. yaye. yaye. yaye. gag. hahahahahaha.
miss some of my friends.
miss her. talking to her. but despise her at the moment.

the day is calm. the day is still. heat exposures. more rain please.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 5:50 PM [comment]


Sunday, October 24, 2004

sunday evening.
one dish of I fu mie. whatever that was. dishing plates of dried noodles with a pour of salty hot sause. get the picture? no? fine then. next.
been suffering by the extreme heat. global warming anyone?
going to my brother's dorm. who knows we might get together somewhere later.
browsing around swatch's online store to buy one item.
competing with time to prepare my movie. the posters. editing and so on. darn it.introducing swatch's scale of blue. $ 70,00. take it.

ok. still sunday evening. the venue and the sphere is green. and the mood is static. another birthday tomorrow. people are getting old. mind the time? some things cannot be chased. some are staying and some are leaving. what a waiting. and i am getting bored as the clock ticks.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:39 PM [comment]


Rollingstone released photos of some recent hot artists. for those who could not manage to afford buying the mag, i openly provided them for you. or just visit for more of the stuffs.note that i only put some of the pics here. these artists are those whose albums or singles are really in tune with me presently. click on the thumbnail for bigger images.

chris carraba of dashboard confenssional jOhn mayer adam levine of maroon 5 amy lee of evanescense beyonce knowles chris martin of cold play joss stone usher britney justine timberlake

its sunday morning already.
cold dawn it is. got back from quite a long talk and walk with my brother, budi. many things about the unsure future. enterpreneur at heart, really?
went to kedai kopi. met some old friends and frenzy on several corners. hypothetic comunion. whatta?
one really fat ass lady. she's getting bigger. dont care though. mind my own bussines.
still dont want to sleep. whats the future for us.
eventually i dropped of the job. cant really blame me cant they.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:02 AM [comment]


Saturday, October 23, 2004

i decided to let down the MC offering. has no soul to the event itself. afraid of ruining things and break things apart. its not that i am scared. i am just not ready.
the day was so fuckin' hot. i could not sleep cause the sun went directly into my room and torture my dreams that i had to get up from it. an uncomplete sleeping mission. gee...
wishing that i can plunge into one of the old american paintings and feel the autumn there. or is it global warming?
its the weekend. couples are everywhere. why am i alone then? why have not i get anyone that really triggers mylife? makes it more meaningful than what it is now. damn, it gets sadder to talk bout those shits in weekends. why? or is it just me? is it because of the autumn? the season when we lose manythings when it fall downhill on earth?
there are places i have in mind to visit. but they are bit blur now. hopefuly it gets clearer when night comes.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 4:17 PM [comment]


Friday, October 22, 2004

okay, friday night,no clubs are open...and i need more laugh.
now it goes longer.
still on the same site i told u previously.
the test announced that i am purgatory. living in a graceful world but in love with sin.yaye!
during the history, i am within the same criminal mind with Harry S. tRuman, i dropped atomic bomb on Nagasaki. go to hell u slented eyes!!
my fate is a short contract job. possibly tea making any time i work. yikess!!
since i am a hobbit within, you can call me shetland horsebeard.
doing undercover mission in iraq is killing my nerve. i am dying for it. call me sultan al-sadun al-ubaydi muzahim.
when it comes to my relation with my friends i am such an irredeemably eejitous, liberal, tight as fuck, pathetically simple minded, dribbling child.
anyway, i am a sibling of cary grant. we are the same. famous homosexual.

A repressed gay blockbuster star. Don't get many of those these days, do we, Tom?Which Famous Homosexual Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

in music sense: i am edgy, experimental, and i like to boogie every saturday night. yaye!
I'm T. Rex's "Planet Queen"
I'm T. Rex's "Planet Queen"
Take The Music Quiz today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You're edgy, experimental, and like to boogie on a Saturday night. You probably dabble in drugs, but we still love you anyway. Keep that 70s punk rock thing going, man, it works for you.

within the disney wannabe world: i am sleeping beauty. yikes!

I'm Sleeping Beauty!
I'm Sleeping Beauty!
Take What Disney Princess are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

No prince is quite as charming as Prince Phillip, and he's all yours, baby! Just be sure to keep those meddlesome Fairy Godmothers out of your hair! Having finally woken up from your "nap," you are free to dance your little heart out on the forest floor, and pick up new hobbies, preferably not ones involving spinning wheels!

based on my type of undies.i wear those silk stuffs. which means that i dont really need undies. just do my stuff.
I'm silk boxers
I'm silk boxers
Take A Men's Unmentionables test (that means undies) today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

I have class and style. I know how to relax and enjoy the finer things in life.

i dont need a punch in the head.cause i am already too cool.
Your Cool
Your Cool
Take Do you need a punch in the head? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

You let people be and people let you be. "To each his own" is not just an idiom for you. Just cant piss people off. No matter how hard you try.

did i forget to tellu guys? i am insane.
Take Are you INSANE? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

Wow. You aced the test! Go you!
What's the problem, you a drunkard or something? Maybe you need to find a new cla-- I mean, a new place to sit around all day eating cheese. And that's cuban-moroccan cheese, I tells ya! I'll kill you! I'll KILL YOU ALL! (And I will burn your house with one of those creepy rocket launchers in BF1942), plus you spend too much time in a pub. Yeah, that's right. I got your number. Well, I meant that figuratively, not literally. No, I'm not bloody stalking you, you idiot! What? NO! No, I'm not! No, it's all a lie! Stop tormenting me!

Anyways, stop drinking beer and you should be more insane. Err, I mean, less, um, sane? Yeah, I used brackets. And you know what I'm talking about don't you? I know where you live! Ha ha ha!!!!! I'm not crazy, I'm INSANE!!!!
And so are you. Have fun in virtual reality world, because let me tell you, real-life cheese is a lot worse than the cheese in computer games. me.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:07 PM [comment]


friday night.
one star converse. smells new. cool hairdo. i need one short laugh.
eventually it rains. and i got to drink and had some fries in that coffeeshop.
i went to and got these cool (yet awkward) names, for my own.
if i am one of the transformer's autobots, my name is jumpstarter smoke supreme.
since i am a jewish in blood and faith, you can call me moishe sosnow.
when i feel likely to have marathon sex, call me esteban apasionado every five minutes.
i am androginy anyway, so when it comes to feminine sense of me, call me most venerable manchild.
colonel sanders the strategy proportioned protrutsion is the name of my penis.
my friend call me swashbuckle.
when i turn myself unto some lusty sex bitch, call me stank monkey.

welcome weekend, and a new-er me.
greetings to Joss sTone, out there. you're one soul bitch you.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:35 PM [comment]


peniless no more, so i guess i can take my sisters to some fine dining. yupe.
wise girl said: there is a slight difference between strong headed and being a darn ass who knows what one really wanted. stop being a strongheaded or people will despise you.
i am ready to be despised, you know what. i am not strong headed, or may be i am, but its me. want to accept me this way? or would not you? its ur problem that u cannot take me this way. whats the deal you that its became so big.
wise girl said that i have one darn brain and low rate sensitivity. whats the deal yo??
i am d0ing my own thing. and i am not interupting anyother ass. whats the deal yo? i guess its the world problem right?
whats the deal of being very fuckin individual yo?
again, i am doing my own thing. i want to be this way. so get the fuck outta my face.
the city's hot and my breeze is hot. some darn asses are just so bothering with their state of mind. let it be.
let it be.
lets have a nice weekend.
mind that?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:57 PM [comment]


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

i can say that i am care free at the moment, though not really care free.
being peniless is torturing, and killing. whats the worse then?
now the movie has finished, i am waiting for another shooting takes place sometimes in the future. i suppose i have more stories to write. more movies, i hope, to make.
got many ideas to spill.
how do u do my friend? or an old friend? how does it feel to be hated? anyway its killing me to hate you, cause i used to love u, care about u. will there be a time we can grow the love back? did we spill many things?
many loves are waiting i suppose. can i love back. will i be able to love. after all things. yaye. i always say to myself that i am loveable. but when it comes to love other, i dont think i am managable for it.
many waitings are on the run. its not nice to wait, huh?
have we been plain? have this world becoming so mean? what are u talking about? anyway, Keane is butt kicking, lindsay lohan's breast is killing, and jimmy eat world is always hot. its nice to see a concert and u r feeling the energy of the band. the band should be butt kicking enough to let u know that they are loveable. see, again? loveable.
whats up with my life? whats hot in my life?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:54 PM [comment]


Monday, October 18, 2004

the inCredibles



wait for them november 5th all around the world, or visit them here!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:27 PM [comment]


monday. its limy everywhere.
been not so wonderful day, but wonderful in some other way.
whats the definition of cool? whats the deinitioin of being established? being individual?
whats the definition of today? some fahrenheit so hot.
there are cuties whom you cant hug, and there is one who waits to be touched. i suppose.
so whats the mystery of the day. this far none. but being lucky is pleasurable. like a fresh water melon in a hot summer of japan. anything. would be so perfect. anything. green. lilac. fish. blue. lake. river. ghost story.
am i shifting everybody? do u like it when i am changing?
so how's the future?
am i trapped? within this body? will i grow up?
request wanting me to move to the capitol. am i so ready?
another cutie on the other block. he's a japanese. question: why japanese always comes in a short version (like i am tall anyway).
close the page. lets see what happens tomorrow.

mysterious page.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:32 PM [comment]


Sunday, October 17, 2004

late lunch today on sunday. relieving weekend, though peniless. its not that matter anymore.
the day is hot, and the day is still. its the sunday. any sunday would have been this way, all the way. isn't it.
the filming of shounji has finished. no shooting schedules. no late night yawning (anymore) maybe.
this one full week i will plunge myself to edit the shots, adding music, and credits, anything. the dateline launching of shounji is waiting. i think everyone is waiting how it looks like.
planning to have a big luncheon with my sisters nextweekend. its going to be exciting i suppose. hope so.
some stuffs needed to be finished written.
gotta learn driving back cause i forgot how my hands were so smooth on the wheel.
gotta write back all my ideas, describe them, flow them, reveal and unleash them. its going to be fun. yaye!
feeling horny. LOL.
need to recover my love life, need to feel that desire, cause i have been losing them in my hectic rythm everyday. i dont want to lose everything just because this heart feels nothing of love.
the waiting this far is fun. better life is coming (keith urban's).


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:06 PM [comment]


Friday, October 15, 2004

23.22 pm. friday.
coming to another pointless (hope not) weekend
photo sessions for the movie poster, and the last take on shounji
reoccuring moments of finishing my thesis and continuous writing
critical financial situation. urgently needing more in my account.
edgy hatred to some people who regardless of my status and condition feel jealous, of what?
possibly facing tiresome months ahead.
fling on my way and need to decide what possibly i should do.
currently spending more and more allowance for a month. need to feel sorry for myself.
need to prepare for the launching of my movie.
cross my finger for luck.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:13 PM [comment]


Thursday, October 14, 2004

only two hours of sleeping and may be more now. we finished shooting at almost half past eleven.a new day is coming. too tired to tell things to you. another shooting schedules tomorrow in the morning. and i think i need more sleep. met a guy whom i saw too yesterday in the party. he is just a nice bed mate, for everyone. 20% shooting days. editing. musical attachment and its done. got more stories to write...ahhhhh...need more money for sure....


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:42 PM [comment]


4.05 am, thursday. some notes left from the underground..
sticks of cigarettes
truckers everywhere
hunks and babes under view
a relieveing bottle of cold sprite in the morning
smoke, smoke, and more smoke on the corner
bumping electro tunes...
Irwan is a cutie who knows how to make me want to get laid with him..*daa!*
sandra keeps calling her new fling
hurtin right ankle
reckoning 3 hours of thump, thump, and thumping...
nude male on the screen...
reckoning a cute bald guy on the corner who left so soon
reminiscing embassy dearly and cannot wait to get back there...sometimes...a
a shooting schedule is waiting, today, 8 am and something...


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 4:27 AM [comment]


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

what's in your mind when you are talking things and also aware at the same time that you must not talk things that in the end will be a regretful case of a lifetime and a topic will be used to againts and offense you. there are ears that are hypocritic and envious at any time of life, and it might be just around the corner. so whats the deal of talking things about friends that actually piss you off and you are shocked to know that there are friends within your circle that actually a future enemy. my readings told me that i am the kind who has many friends but only having a few real buddies to share my thoughts-even the worst one. so what are the rest friends that i have. forget them. i dont care. live hard, party hard, work hard. u cant please the world. there is a current which was made only for u. ur goddamn egotistic adventure. whats the point of having friends. some friends who wear mask, and in the end u reveal their shallow manner on you. and you dont know them. and they become friends no more. whats the point of having friends if in the end you have to be alone. when u died, you will be alone. so i suppose u dont have to be afraid. its like a day full of fun and then u end on ur bed alone, reminiscing all of the fun that day. except that u are with somebody.
what am i suppose to tell beside that there are hardship written on my palm and thats how my life in the next coming years. i will be waiting for that very patietly. things are uncertain, what can u tell. i guess i would be still a very wordy person and telling stuffs out of mine and other people's mind. its fun to know what people say about their life. u can make a laugh or even tears out of that. as my life myself...dry martini and a long night talk might be the description of nights in front of me. marathon sex will be within the schedule if i am seeing someone. LOL. more and more caffein and cigarettes. more and more waiting and endless thoughts of what i will do. a big waiting on my palm. and life is like a box of chocolate.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:33 PM [comment]


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

we will start shooting, again, tonight. people have gathered their strength and cheers, cause i know that everything is tough. but some eyes are still tired.mine are too. today i realized that i am broke. kinda amazing to know that actually i am making the movie with only a very little expenses. i just hope that we will acquire something from the movie in the future. yet, above all it is the learning that we seek. met some cuties today on campus and here *wink wink*...wonder when i will really ever involved in a real relationship after all hardship that i have been through as a young man. anyway, i meet one cute guy lately in this net cafe (unfortunately it seems that he is taken already *shit!*), i think he is trying to compete my frequent access record. LOL. no one knows the future. and no one knows how its going to be. well, move my ass and encountered another cuties on the corner. cant get enough of' em anyway. gee...tonight is another struggle for us. fight-fight! i know what i am doing at the moment, but never know what will...i mean, will it mean something. i have been very positive all these times, what if i stumble and fall down. will i be brave enough to admit that and watch the sky with my head facing straight through my lost? dad's call still ocuppy me...he needs to know something about me, and my life. i am wordy enough i suppose. well, enough for now...need to have some rest before another shooting schedules. fight stanley, fight!!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:52 PM [comment]


valon got sick and we could not continue the takes. fine then. i am quite tired myself. i think everyone wants some rest. i gave them. but still, tomorrow is waiting. and hours are like winds. it flies so fast. went to my brother's dorm, having dinner with him and talked several things. i went to another brother's. but he never comes. damn. hait the waiting. today i sent an email to my producer telling him some good bands for the scoring of my FTV. hopefully he responds it quickly. again, tired of the waiting. its been weeks and he promised me to respons sooner. well, i never know how busy they are in Jakarta. i might be busy too within weeks ahead. the production will ocuppy most of my times surely. i think this will be preety much exciting since i am expecting this like so long. the idea of being on the set and setting my mind that actually i am making something for people to see it really amazes me. anyway, tomorrow i might going to shoot dion's, ucok's and dini's scenes. i should be hurry cause it has to be finished by Haloween this month. hopefully i can make it so that before i go to Jakarta this project has finished, and can be contributed in my port folio. while, daddy was calling threatening me on my graduation schedules. should i worry? gee...Lindsay lohan's rumors is on Launch. she impresses me.but she's so mediocre.she's just some pop act. maybe i am ocuppied.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:20 AM [comment]


Sunday, October 10, 2004

though running through an episode of anger with a subject of discussion with reny the last time we met, in which i decided to take everything smoothly, still i consider myself lose. its a feeling i cannot ignore. its an emotion thati cannot let down. sincerely, up to now i still let them ruling my nerve. the good thing is i am busy at the moment. with all the shooting schedules. it was all tiring, but i enjoyed it. i met many new friends that make me people so young despite of my real motive and age. i think i am selfish with myself. not letting myself to feel happy for myself and for anyone. currently, writing this i am listening to Andre Bocelli. i wonder how his music really provides a relieve for those who hear him. its been a hard and busy week for me, and may be for the rest of people whom i know were also so busy. if only i can find a field of purple or lilac jasmine to forget to rest my burden, it would be so damn good. is there such a place. i suppose i am depressed that i am hoping to find such a place. my movie is 70% complete. another day of shooting are waiting. lets keep up the good work guys.i am tired already, hopefully u have not and lets finish this.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:52 PM [comment]


Saturday, October 09, 2004

just got back from a day shooting with some friends. the result is one girl despise me because i brought her boyfriend with me for the shooting. i think its kinda unfair. for her i mean. hopefully i can do the best and make something worth for her to let go her boyfriend for a while. a hard day of shooting anyway. moving around the town to find a perfect place to do the ending shots. have i been unfair to some people. why do i believe in readings that much. kinda sick to know that not all people are liking the idea of one perfectionist like you. whats wrong of doing things because you can do it on your own. them i am a selfish one. i just know that i am doing my best on everything. and whats the best for then when it comes to the realization that people envy that. and that they are faraway from you. its lame. tomorrow is another shooting day. u might drop dead for all the exhaustion, and i hate it when they turn their back from you. its a lame plot for a friendship. an unimportant measurement on how people are doing on you. they are just lame. am i lame for discussing that?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:45 PM [comment]


probably this is the busiest week ever. well, thing might change in the future that i (again) might barely having time to sleep and take care of stuffs. there are issues this week that occupy me. things that in one side bothers me, and on the other side builds my character.
1. I started shooting my movie. it gets so exhausting. i mean it. this is what i call a really tired experience of my being.
2. i met incredible people who work as my crew and many new friends.
3. i heard rumors about me (eventually i figured out that jealousy and envy made people want to kill each other). i barely understood why there are still people who despise my being. i try so hard to be loveable. and only some really understand that idea. the rest are sissy envy stuff's people. Bennet said that it's envy.
4.there are process, and i am on way to the real maturity.

fine. i'll wait. it might be the best thing i can do, hope and implement. for now.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:28 AM [comment]


Thursday, October 07, 2004

hari ini amat sangat sibuk. dengan hari kemarin juga sih. udah blocking, reherseal dan laen-laen ma anak-anak, dan besok mulai shooting. bakal capek banget. harus nyiapin energi buat besok.asli capek. tapi gue yakin banget sama yang satu ini. mudah-mudahan lancar2 aja. ameen. anyway, gw lagi nyiapin composed musik gw supaya bisa didenger lo semua di web ini. supaya lo bisa denger aja gitu, gw kan suka musik banget jo. segini dulu kali ya, gw masih mau mandi, sumpah melekat. abis itu ada jazz di coffee shop langganan gw, ntar malam mau prepare buat besok. weekend ini juga mau ke prambanan. temen gw maen. duh kayaknya dah lama ngga nge-rave gitu.gegege...ngga penting seh,soal selera aja. met weekend semua, broke.hehehe.mudah2an masih ada dokat buat ke prambanan...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 5:50 PM [comment]


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

AIDS campaign for those who love to take penis.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:27 PM [comment]


we have a new president. congratulations. lets celebrate!

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:50 PM [comment]


Monday, October 04, 2004

many said that if u want a flowing life, current that goes to the river, dont force what you cant handle.i mean, there are things that u cant change.basic truth, the rule of nature. any efforts to counter the nature has never been really a success. nature has alwyas find a way to fight back. but the thing is, how can we know that a thing cant be change? actually its easy. its has an invisible tag on it that says 'useless to fight me.' its like ur sexuality. a day u reject it and the other day it will come out. i think Samantha does the right thing. she does not fight what she wants. she is straight, yet once she decided to become a lesbo, and eventually went back to the straight world. its better than creeping under the bed. anyway, has the wind blows breeze-ly lately? has there any sign that the waiting is about to end?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:09 AM [comment]


Saturday, October 02, 2004

its the weekend and several projects have laid on my future weeks. its been a beautiful and money wasting weeks behind me.yet, human cannot stand still and sit, entitling themselves lame. dont know why i love that word but at the same time hating the sense and the construction of the word. next week will be the shooting days of my movie, you can check the up dates in my project affiliation (shounji), and also the waiting (hopefully this time it wont take that long, its been a lame week also) to my Tv project (very excited about this. cross my fingers). well, the present project is dedicated to a friend of mine named Maran. a very unfortunate event happened upon him. a very bad accident that was. and friends gathered to ease his burden. we are opening an online charity to help him. lack of financial support keeps him stuck in the hospital where he had his surgery for his leg (it was badly injured and he crushed some of his inner bones and had to put an iron pen to put the lost bones back together. did it describe it right.). you can visit for a further information on this. this charity blog is open for world wide use,and we are dedicating this to a friend, and hopefully you can contribute something to help us ease his burden. see you there.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:05 PM [comment]


Friday, October 01, 2004

just got back from a party. which was lame. quiet lame. felt pity for the guess. i think that they came for something that eventually turned out to be worthless. it has that dress code that made the beginning was a splendid red carpet wannabe, everyone looked georgeus, except some really uncool mix matching individuals. and the rest turned out to be LAME. everyone left the venue and it became so spacy. just some enthusiastic old crack on the corners trying to fill the air. dont know what to say, so crunchy...unlike the last 2 years, and the year after...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:32 PM [comment]


the best thing about someone who is getting busy each day is that he or she will get busier more and more, since they love being busy and the national bet is that they would take much greater responsibilities to be busy in the future.and the other side is that they die because of too busy. what about someone who is actually not busy but decide to busy themselves. God loves them cause those kind of people tend to help people more compared to people who despise being busy.and being busy might be one of the hardest choice a human can take. it takes great guts to be busy. many people are still busy during the weekend and rather than having socialize friday night they chose to stay in the small sized room with papers and endless phonecalls about their stocks. thats an option.

[up dates:]

casting has been done. three candidates were joining the walk in audtion. all of them are will be the announcement of the roles. next week we will start reading and shooting. God bLess us.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:55 AM [comment]


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