Tuesday, November 30, 2004

its the end of november everyone. december is coming.winter is coming. and Christmas is too. its going to be exciting. i found that each year's christmas always brings something different within its arrival, preparations, even the days after that. no wonder there is a saying that every christmas time even adults turn into kids. i remember that years before, when i was still at school, the beginning of november would be a great time to stand the tree. here we have plastic tree. natural tree is not common in Indonesia. maybe we just cant find one. at home we have this white christmas tree. the tree is a bit dull now. maybe dad would change it.well, it wont be christmas without a tree. well, christmas has changed dramatically since my mom passed away. i am losing something. like there is a value within the celebration dissapears. ahh,come on stanley...grow up...put urself together. be strong. sigh. anyway, whats good about christmas is that every stores would celebrate it. u know, malls, shops, shopping center would feel like christmas. yummy. christmas song would be everywhere.i am thinking about attaching one christmas song here. what would it be? anyway, its only the beginning of december here. and the autumn is still around. i tell u with the details if december and christmas really comes. hehe.mmm...i am kinda worried u know. because i told my producer that i am interested to join the set for janji jhoni. and it seems that the shooting will take like 2months. my producer toldme that it would be around december to january. will i be available for that? but the question is will i be available for christmas? wanna know the history behind christmas? go here
hey i have this great pictures from starbucks for their holiday package... this is a great one...they call it tumbler?what does that mean? and this one... ginger men... turtle doves... and more turtle doves...well...many sites about christmas are buzzing the net,find urself...here is the spot where i usually spend my time...here, well if u would like to find urself, buzz a bit...yeehaaa...advent is coming everyone...an advent calendar will be here too, soon...

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:14 PM [comment]


Sunday, November 28, 2004

sunday everyone. how's life doin? yeahh...when its static i bet u might wont think well. saturday was awful. well, i thought it was. another hsopping on the corner, and possibly just about time i will get broke again. well, i am expecting more money this christmas, cant wait for a real holiday. anyway, the graduations went good, unfortunately i was not there, since it was not mine. hjahjaha. i need to concentrate more on working on my papers. gee. its hard to be easily taken away by feelings. i am such a person. sigh. i went to DR to met some friends and looking for perfect sphere of being alone. it seems that eevryone is broke. spent the night by browsing for man's messages but none are availabe. shits. u know, man who massages. then i buzzed the net again, as usual, when eevrything went dull the net is the best solvensy. well, this blog needs maintanance. u might see changes on the page. tell me what u want here, i might be lucky enough to provide it to you. hahahah. been listening to jamie cullum's record. yeahh...the mood swings, some aroma teraphy in my room amazingly brought my mood to work again. this morning successfully continued the draft. hey, last night i bought jean reno's the crimson rivers. i mean, french movie is always stunning, though this one is internationally distributed by Columbia but still the Canal station produced it. u know, french movie has strange plots and unique developments, most of the time is very artsy. crimson rivers is a noir movie. at the same time a thriller one. i reckoned jean reno when he played leon in Luc besson's Jean the professional with the amazing Natalie Portman (droolls). Lol.

i reckoned that gary oldman was also in the movie. he's the best villain ever.
well, my brothers are vanishing from sights. usually, one of them is available for chats or night trip. but none available. darn it. i thought it was going to be a nice saturday evening. i have to focus, focus, hocus on my draft. well, eventually i told my produced about the idea of being in the set for the next production. he hasnt give me response on that. if he agrees that means that i would have to move to jakarta for some months to get my ass busy on the set. sigh. life has a strange current huh? what would happen tomorrow?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 1:00 PM [comment]


Thursday, November 25, 2004

rain is on the air. and the fall is strongly felt everytime you breathe. the whether is damp and fall fashion is here. check out the slides i provide here. these are some collections from the last runaways in Milan. if i am not mistaken. though i am a bit stunning to observe that fall fashion surely don't need many fabrique to protect men's skin. did i take the right picture? gag. anyway, as the year is almost ending everyone is talking about Christmas. cant wait to get home myself. Christmas is a very perfect holiday for everyone. its the end of the year when everyone must gather with their beloved ones. around the fire. isnt it nice. well, today is thanksgiving. yet, i just happen to realize it just now. poor me. there suppose to be turkey. since i am faraway from home, no turkey for u stanley. yeah right.
just some hours ago i watched plays performed by students from the english education programme. very nice and thrilling. they have memorable characters, nice tense of plot developments. though most of them are so cliche that you can easily know how to end the story. one should note the amazing casts. and surprises during the shows. one should learn from this kids. cant wait to see the plays by my friends from english letters. well, i am coming from english letters. wonder if they can compete with the qualities given by their juniors in education programe.
as equal as anything came to my way, i met miss N. she's adorable. but i cant do it. i am thinking about someone else. i am not really sure what am i doing to her. well, i am not doing her. its just that i dont think like any measurements any steps any ideas i have about miss N are necessary compared to what will happen if she finds out whats these all about. i am phony. i cant fake it. i think i am torturing myself with all of these. i need help everyone.
i try. i try so hard. but i am there. i am on the other side of the house. and miss N is on the other yard.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:07 PM [comment]


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

life is coming back to city. the rush is there again. the crowd. the students.
this time the fall is also here. the sign of the finishing of another year is coming, its on the edge.
yesterday, the rain broke out like a person who hasn't cried for years. and the earth mught actually want to cry. considering how it looks like presently. the world needs to cry once at a time. to ease heself. dont u feel the heat is increasing these days. last year was not this hot i reckoned. is this a sign of something? like the end of human's civilization, and the beginning of alien's invasion? i noticed that human have special interest on the area 51 issues. me either. anyway...the rain swept everything i feel lately.
a very close friend of mine is getting married in january. i was shocked. and having that big supreme shock which i can't tell u how it exactly feels. she's already a part of me. when she's leaving me so soon like this (not that she's going to die), but to know and to realize the fact that she will stay with her husband next year, raising a child, ahhh. i am ledt alone then. we are the kind of friends who go to shopping together. gossiping about cool stuffs which are happening at the moment. we share the same ups and downs, telling stories that u wont tell others. she's been very honest to me. thats why she's been very special to me. and i think it's normal to feel this emotion towards her big steps in her life. thats big step. to tie yourself. to get engagement ring. to life, to see the same guy everyday in your life and telling him that his eyes are the only eyes you would see everymorning. gee...that sounds very hard to do right? maybe it wont be that hard anyway. maybe its only a matter of time. and her time is now. ahhh...its getting veryhard to see what the future might will look like.
hhhh...sigh. anyway, i am still writing many things, editing some stuffs. missing some people. some of my friends are graduating this saturday. i would wait another term then. havent finished writing my thesis. poor me. i was very excited doing my thesis at the beginning but suddenly things came on my way, like my script writing. am i bragging? boasting about this thing? i wont blame anything. its my fault. i am easily taken by situation. and this is the outcome. silly you stanley.
many blind dates this week. many spontaneous action driven by stupid cocks.
oh stiffy me. have a princip please.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:16 PM [comment]


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

the holiday almost ends. and mostly i went shopping. food. shopping. and food again.
darn it.
my cheeks are bulging. my wallet thinning. darn it.
when the holiday starts having the chance to meet a very old friend. dedy. oh how i miss that little dude.
we talked many stuffs and went to places. how things have changed for both of us that i was shocked to figure out what had happened on a very rural place out there back in Kalimantan. a place where some memories made there would love to be remembered but some don't. bitter.
having the chance also to chat with lisa in LA. she's one great friend. if only there's a space which is not limited by time and space then we would talk endlessly about stuffs we've been missing this past 9 years. wow.
getting excited also. its my job.
suddenly i feel very creative. having 3 potential plots to develope for potential movies. been making me busy lately. hopefully they would love one of them , since somehow i love all of the plots. cant wait to write those things till they finish. well, things might go wrong, but i would hope for the best. and developing my skills in writing. i remember the last time i was so busy by my first script. well, anything was so tempting.
question to myself.
will i be home for christmas? i miss the family gathering.
now and then i can never let go. though its been bitter.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 5:37 PM [comment]


Sunday, November 14, 2004

its holiday everyone.
as usual. like previous years, its hard to find food. and i was on the edge of losing my glucose.
fuck yeah. gotta eat that mix vegetables then. but it was nice. met that scruppy hair dismas. nice chat during a lunch session. wonder where would i find any food tonite. hoping that one of the mall is open then i would grab a plate of nice happy meal, again.gag. trying to grab a package of incredibles meal.
i passed many families who seems to me were heading for their next silaturahmi target. its when the peoples visiting their relatives and greet them selamat hari raya 'happy lebaran.' its a nice thing to do. u'll get to meet people whom u possibly and surprisingly dont get to meet u that often in a year periode. its the time to ask for forgiveness for any mistakes been done in that year. a very peacefull season.
ahh...i met Lisa on the net, and we promised to chat tomorrow. she's in L.A. and its autumn there.ilove autumn. dont know, but the mood is always tangling into fantasy any time i'm thinking bout autumn. we seldom send mails recently. i guess its because it became easier to find people on the internet. that friendster thing is a hell of a ride too.
suddenly, i was thinking about where would i be this christmas...
i dont want to be one of those people in the christmas song who feels alone cause they cannot go home...
will i be home for christmas?

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 2:39 PM [comment]


Saturday, November 13, 2004

saturday. weekend. a beginning of horrible holiday.
currently the stores are wholy shut down. cause the moslems are preparing to celebrate idul fitri,tomorrow.
today is the last day of ramadhan, the holy fasting month. and the moslems right now celebrates what is known as takbiran. a procession where people would gather carrying oil made folk lamps and praising the name of Allah within a continuous chanting based on Qur'an.
in my hometown this kind of happening is really captivating, in the sense that the city is comprised by malayan culture, since we do geographically influenced by malayan culture.
anyway, today's been busy shopping with my sister. buzzing to many shopping spree. and deliberately bought many stuffs.including that cute happy meal kids with mr.incredible himself as the bonus.harrrh.
a new wrist watch. ahh.i miss my old missing swatch. reckoning those colorful old days which now turned dumb and lame. its hard being an adult anyway.
all shops, malls, stores are closing by 6. and would be closing the whole day tomorrow. great.
lucky me i bought many things for preparations already. well, would they be enough for my appealing mouth?
suddenly remembering the same week last year when i was fed up with noodles. any kinds of noodles for almost 4 days. yukeee.
tonight would be watching cointinuous movies. several selections already been made for a lame dawn.
my writings need to be finished surely. having a break of hard stuffs, having a thought of making another movie.
what if an action movie? full of blood. and a raw one.yummy.
a shooting schedule has been postponed. waiting a big project next week.
ahhh...suddenly remembering that huggable puffy dude.whoaa!!
what is he doing by the moment. he said that he would be here by tuesday.
hopefully i can meet him again.
wondering how it feels to spend the holiday somewhere.
ahhh...i need more money baby.

ahhh...pantsy me.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 6:53 PM [comment]


Friday, November 12, 2004

the holiday has started and the city heard like a grave.
everyone's missing from my sight.
kinda sad this week,cause one must hate it for being loney. who can bare such condition anyway.
on the other side, i am fullfiled.
met such a nice man. wondering why we could meet and committed.
we should meet again next week.
my brothers are gone.
gotta finish my writings. its been a dull moment for me.
none other days, or weeks would be this boring.
darn it. why should this kinda thing occurs annualy.
tomorrow's weekend. gotta buzz to places. i would die like a bag crap. bag of crap.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:23 PM [comment]


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

the holiday is coming, the lebaran day is on the edge. everyone is going home to celebrate.
i hate it when it comes to this holiday. cause the town feels dead. i mean more than 60% of population of this city is actually coming from outside the town. so when the big days are emerging u can imagine how it looks like. dull. cause stores are closed. the streets are quiet. and friends are gone, a while.
and my brother will visit his lame girlfriend. she is lame. wonder why they can still be together. jealousy? like i am slut enough to feel so. well, she is lame. what a player. never been really consistent. while admitting to be one.ur so vail girl. u r so vain.
anyway, last night i spent some quality times with my brother. not k. but b. k is the kind of brother who dissapears and u can guess where he is by the moment he is missing. while b is the other way around. and i always can talk about something with b. while k would gone to sleep so soon that i'll lost my time to talk. wonder why his lame girlfriend can manage to keep him awake.
damn. u would think that i despise my brother's girlfriend? i just pity her because she's being inconsistent what she's saying. do u think u can play with someone's heart that easy? and she's the one who did it most of the time.
b told me about his being afraid of falling in love, again. his previous love was lame either. a very manipulator girlfriend he had. presently he is having a great deal of hatred for that woman. watch out, maybe she's around the corner and will have u as her next victim. that lame girl should be watched out.
well he told me that he's being thinking about stuffs too far. that i was guessing that he can never really feel love for someone cause the surroundings (seems to me) are determining that feeling. i dont know. may be i am wrong.
hopefully he does not entrapted by that kind of dull stimulan.
i am glad to know that now i can get closer to him, compared to how it was last 2 years. it was awkward. and i didnt feel glad about our relationship. well, he's the one whose gone. and at that time i was busy myself.
been buzzing around my writing again. been working on my next potential project. which is very interesting also.
shounji will be screened after lebaran. i will expand the showing to several campuses. and some movie houses. surprisingly, k told me that we can do something with the movie in bali. apparently,my brother m is working in a production house in bali. i thought that this is pretty a good chance. there u go. have a creepy time with our movie then. gag. i think everyone always love horror movie. so this is a big buzz.
ahhh. this makes me want to make another one. a prequel of shounji,or may be a sequel?
u decide.
till then. i think i need to watch more movies. for references.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 11:12 AM [comment]


Monday, November 08, 2004

hai. hows life.
i was very busy lately that i missed several hours to post here.
blogging is addictive. they should shut down the service. gag.
thanks the blog. its a teraphy. if u dont have any real friend in this real life, then blogging is the psychiatrist.
spill everything. by any chance, someone will read the stuff u wrote there. anyway, where was i these last several days? like what i told u. the keyword is frenzy. if someone is really slow couchpotatoe than that someone cannot adopt my rythme. gag. naa.
anyway, me and my crew just got back from the launching of shounji.
many people came. glad enough to see the crowd. hopefully in the second screening the crowd would get much bigger. more promotions are needed and preparations are on its way. hahaha. its cool right. being in the showbuzz is hard. it seems that we have to find any sides who will interested to support any expenses for the distribution of the movie.
back to the premiere. many people came. very colorful of them. the room is filled with people having serious interest on this silly flick. for those who havent seen it, they might chilled to see the ghost. but for me who made it, who have seen it for 4 times already, then i would laugh to see mistakes we made in producing this movie. gag.
some said that shounji is selling. some are, well i dont know. the competitors came. each of us dont want to lose face. i guess. they came. but i hate to see those faces anyway. ask me why. if u are being treated that way, then may be having what i feel at the moment is right. dont know anyway. i dont care. i am doing my stuff and i play it cool. i dont like it to play it hard. wasting my time. i better spend my time with friends, real friends, my brothers, any readings. not those kinda friends u dont want to share that craps around.
within weeks i would promote the movie for wider viewers. to places.
damn. i am blindfolded.
back soon.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:55 PM [comment]


Friday, November 05, 2004

whats on today on my world?
let me tell ya all. nothing really big actually. but u know what? i had a nerve today.
meaning that i am so tired. lets reschedule that.
i was not having a really nice sleep last night. doing that poster-ing thing.
3 hours something of sleeping and fully awake by 7 until 6 pm just now and having my short nap.
a very short nap.
today, i went to a lelayu, its how the local people in jogja named the rituals for the death.
father of a friend of mine passed away last dawn. because of a severe bleeding on his brain which was caused by hypertension. i noticed that all of them were sad. they have to. its a father anyway.
i was sad when i lost my mom. even until now i feel like i am not having a very balanced life due to that lost.
i have been trying to love my life dearly. doing efforts to forget that actually i am sad within.
o gee, i am such a weenie(?). never will i grow to be such a man.
if only i am peterpan, right?
okay. we hit the road and i was hectic. today was such a frenzy one.while i was needing sleep badly. badly.
i could not resist to yawn. yet i was crying either. people were crying frantically for the father. why could not I?
anyway. i have put the poster for my movie in campus. tomorrow i will spread the news to town. like its christmas? hahahah. i am one funny bastard.
well, i could not wait to see the crowd watching my amateur movie. repeat. amateur. i love that word.
being an amateur is such a nice start. well, tomorrow me and the crew will see the movie for the first time ever.
while tonight, i am going for another editing. God help me. yikes.
well, i need loads of nerve here.
damn it. i hate being sensitive.
God i need to be lot stronger.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 9:30 PM [comment]


Thursday, November 04, 2004

thursday. been so busy.
buzzing around the town. and being very active, and unstoppable. even by the heat. yeahh.
luckily i dont get sick, as fresh as hell and my butt is ready to roll. again.yeahhh!!
i am getting excited here. me and my friends in campus will launch our movie,shounji on monday, november 8th at room K.18, kampus I mrican, sanata dharma University Jogjakarta.we will start at 7pm sharp.
be there okay. i would love to see you guys on the premiere.hahaha.
well, there wont be any red carpet.
surprisingly, up to this moment, the movie itself still undergoes several editing. so, we have many versions of the movie. anyway, if u happens to be on our premiere that monday. give me response on the movie okay?
i know that its a so so movie. but i do like to hear responses.
making the movie has been so exciting for me and the rest of the crew.
hopefully u will enjoy the movie then.
before u watch shounji, enjoy its official movien poster. only here. or u might want to check out directly to www.shounji.blogspot.com to see the details of the movie itself.

opening monday, november 8th, 7pm sharp. room K.18, sanata dharma university Mrican. Jogjakarta.
free of charge.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:15 PM [comment]


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

suddenly i feel like i am going to sick.
its the weather.damn.
gotta go back.
take some rest.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:02 PM [comment]


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

been busy finishing my movie.
we are going to launch it within these 2 weeks.
personally i am a bit dissapointed with the quality of the rendered outcome. its like watching a movie after minutes if downloading from the internet. i wonder how it looks like if we watch it on a big screen. darn it. i wish i was more concentrated to that issue. well okay. we are within the way of making a big hit movie. hahaha. indulging myself.
i cannot stop thinking that there are people out there who dearly compete with other just trying to prove that they also have an issue on that. come on. grow up a bit.
maybe i am childlike enough to still dicussing that. deep breath then. i mean, come on, the whether is hot, dont make it lot hotter than it should be. gee.a bit punch on that space would give a 'on your face' flip.real bastard.
today i copied movies from some very old live action movie called kamen raider and google v. i still reckon how those silly stuffs in the old days were a child biggest dream. and how i was a big fan of kotaro minami. he was lot cooler at those days. you know, tough guy look. but now, that hair do is one thing i am very mind to see.
my childhood where have u gone? i feel like there are some part of you remain here.and dont want to come out. is it the element that keeps me behaving this way? dunno.

today i visited myself. what do i found.
there is a kid there. missing one thing from the past. so bad.
and he would dearly cry on behalf of the past.

stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 7:15 PM [comment]


Monday, November 01, 2004

sunday huh.
been quite busy anyway. the movie is needing a great deal of hands there to finish it.
a serious break from anything might help me to concentrate on finishing everything. seriously...
i have issues here. unfinished bussines with manythings. bastard.
me is a bastard. sigh.
meeting some people in this place. people whom i meet everyday. i dont think that they are net addict.
there is this cute hunk. a very spiky hair. i meet him almost everyday i am online. i think he's an enterpreneur. he has the treat of one. he always receives many phone calls. and he's so my type. great bod. nice hair. hunk enough and straight so so.what's more is that he dresses the way i love he suits himself up. no tabrak warna, ga match. too bad everyone. he's married.
and then there are these 2 japanese girls. who are adoreably cute. one really likes to fix her hair during typing, on her cell. and she does not notice that i am noticing her. while the other is, having one nice auburn hair, too bad she needs to wipe the acnes out of her nice slented eyes. they always go together everywhere,i suppose. and they stay in a very close place to this cybercafe. both are (seems to me)a really laid back gurls. they dress on cool shirts, jeans, slippers, and collors everyday.
the next is an old dark guy who seems to me happens to be an enterpreneur too. he drives a good looking car.has one uninteresting girlfriend. it seems to me that the girl only interested with his money and would do anything to drain his pocket. save urself oldman. this guy makes a lot phonecalls. always dresses in black, with his black suit also. and that office bag. damn how bad i want to be that office dude.
anyway, i am heading back to my room. has to finish editing that movie. i am addicted to make another one.
prepare urself Spielberg.
i am right behind you.


stanley dirgapradja@petit garcon 10:26 PM [comment]


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